Innerhtml does not work


Viewed 1,615 times


I’m trying to make a very simple example of javascript but the innerhtml is not being recognized.

<!DOCTYPE html>


            <title>Pagina com Javascript</title>
            <script src="meujavascript.js"></script>
            <!-- Versao do JS <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.8.5"></script> -->


    <p id="paragrafo">texto em javascript</p>
    <button type="button" onclick="mostrar()">Teste</button>

    <p id="valores">[valores]</p>


    <button type="button" onclick=adicionar(1,2)">Mensagem</button>



Javascript function:

function adicionar(parcela1, parcela2)
    //esta função adiciona dois valores
    var resultado = parcela1 + parcela2;
    var test document.getElementById("valores");
    test.innerhtml = resultado;

Very simple HTML just for practice.

My javascript example. I want to continue practicing but I don’t know why innerhtml isn’t working.. Someone can help me ?

  • 1

    innerhtml must be with HTML great. => innerHTML

3 answers


Only 2 errors in Javascript code:

  • var test document.getElementById("valores");: After 'var test' could have been declared '=' (initializer), ',' (next variable), ';' or a line break, but instead a name appeared.

  • Your code is interpreted and executed in case-sensitive, so test.innerhtml shall not be equivalent to test.innerHTML. test.innerHTML = ... is the Setter you want to use.

To solve the problems of the code I declared an initializer in front of the variable definition 'test' and traded test.innerhtml for test.innerHTML, which may be the getter/Setter HTMLElement#innerHTML in today’s browsers.

function adicionar(parcela1, parcela2) {
    var resultado = parcela1 + parcela2;
    var test = document.getElementById("valores");
    // Se a propriedade test.innerHTML tem um setter em test,
    // chama a função do setter, se não então re-define
    // a propriedade test.innerHTML sensivelmente
    test.innerHTML = resultado;


  • But isn’t that what he’s doing? In the statement of the question, it has the same code..

  • @Marcogiovanni Not really. The parser is case-sensitive: test.innerhtml is different from test.innerHTML.

  • Well, I hadn’t noticed that kkkk .. + 1

  • 1

    You didn’t even notice the = missing there in the variable test right!

  • Truth @Sampaioleal ..


Uppercase letters in innerHTML and quotation marks


    <title>Pagina com Javascript</title>
    <script src="meujavascript.js"></script>
    <!-- Versao do JS <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.8.5"></script> -->
    function adicionar(parcela1, parcela2)
    //esta função adiciona dois valores
    var resultado = parcela1 + parcela2;
    var test = document.getElementById("valores");
    test.innerHTML = resultado;


    <p id="paragrafo">texto em javascript</p>
    <button type="button" onclick="mostrar()">Teste</button>

    <p id="valores">[valores]</p>
    <p id="demo"></p>

    <button type="button" onclick="adicionar(1,2)">Mensagem</button>



  • Welcome to stack overflow in English, please translate your answer.

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