Syntax error when executing database query


Viewed 39 times


class train{
    var $units;
    var $Units;
    var $cl_units;
    var $db;
    var $recruited = array();

    function train(){
        global $cl_units, $db, $arr_farm;

        $this->cl_units = $cl_units;
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->units = $cl_units->get_array("dbname");      
        $this->Units = $cl_units->get_array("name");
        $this->arr_farm = $arr_farm;
    function do_action($cur_village,$mode="mass"){
        $i = 0;
        foreach($this->Units as $key=>$value){
            $posted = ($mode == "mass") ? $_POST['units'][$cur_village][$key] : $_POST[$key];
                $cur_vil_info = "SELECT * FROM `villages` WHERE `id`='".$cur_village."'";
                $cur_vil_info = $this->db->fetch($this->db->query($cur_vil_info));
                $cur_vil_info['farmLimits'] = $this->arr_farm[$cur_vil_info['farm']]; 
                    $check = "no_investigate";
                $input = (int)$posted;

                $wood = $this->cl_units->get_woodprice($key)*$input;
                $stone = $this->cl_units->get_stoneprice($key)*$input;
                $iron = $this->cl_units->get_ironprice($key)*$input;
                $bh = $this->cl_units->get_bhprice($key)*$input;
                if($wood > $cur_vil_info['r_wood'] || $stone > $cur_vil_info['r_stone'] || $iron > $cur_vil_info['r_iron']){
                    $check = "to_many_units";
                if(($cur_vil_info['farmLimits']-$cur_vil_info['r_bh']-$bh < 0) && empty($check)){
                    $check = "to_many_bh";
                if(empty($check) && is_numeric($this->cl_units->last_error) && $input > 0){
                    $this->db->query("UPDATE villages SET r_wood=r_wood-'$wood',r_stone=r_stone-'$stone',r_iron=r_iron-'$iron',r_bh=r_bh+'$bh' where id='".$cur_vil_info['id']."'");
                    $cur_vil_info['r_wood'] -= $wood;
                    $cur_vil_info['r_stone'] -= $stone;
                    $cur_vil_info['r_iron'] -= $iron;
                    $cur_vil_info['r_bh'] += $bh;

                    $buildname = $this->cl_units->recruit_in[$key];

                    $this->recruited[$cur_village][$key] = $input;
                    if($_GET['mode'] != "mass")
                        $reload = true;
            header("LOCATION: game.php?village=".$cur_vil_info['id']."&screen=".$_GET['screen']."");
            $check = $cl_units->last_error;
            case "not_tec" :    $error = "Desculpe, más está unidade não foi pesquisada!";  break;
            case "not_needed" : $error = "Desculpe, más não há os requerimentos necessários!";  break;
            case "not_enough_ress" :    $error = "Desculpe, más não há recursos suficientes!";  break;
            case "not_enough_bh" :  $error = "Desculpe, más a fazenda não pode sustentar mais habitantes!"; break;
            case "to_many_units" :  $error = "Desculpe, más não há recursos suficientes!";  break;
            case "to_many_bh" : $error = "Desculpe, más a fazenda não pode sustentar mais habitantes!"; break;
        if($error) $GLOBALS['tpl']->assign("error",$error);
        return $recruited;
    function get_units_in_village($village){
        $sql = "SELECT ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach($this->Units as $key=>$value){
            $sql .= (count($this->Units) == $i) ? $key : $key.",";
        $sql .= " from unit_place where villages_from_id='".$village['id']."' AND villages_to_id='".$village['id']."'";
        $result = $this->db->query($sql);
        return $this->db->Fetch($result);
    function get_all_units($village){
        $sql = "SELECT ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach($this->Units as $key=>$value){
            if(in_array("no_investigate", $this->cl_units->get_specials($key))){
                if(count($this->Units) == $i)
                    $sql = substr($sql,0,strlen($sql)-1);
                $sql .= (count($this->Units) == $i) ? "all_$key,".$key."_tec_level" : "all_$key,".$key."_tec_level,";
        @$sql .= " FROM villages WHERE id= '".$village['id']."'";
        $result = $this->db->query($sql);

        return $this->db->Fetch($result);
    function get_recruit($village){
        $recruit_units = array();
        $i = 0;
        $result = $this->db->query("SELECT id,unit,num_unit,num_finished,time_finished,time_start from recruit where villageid='".$village['id']."' order by time_start");
        while($row = $this->db->Fetch($result)){
            $recruit_units[$row['id']]['lit'] = ($i == "1") ? true : false;
            $recruit_units[$row['id']]['unit'] = $row['unit'];
            $recruit_units[$row['id']]['num_unit'] = $row['num_unit']-$row['num_finished'];
            $recruit_units[$row['id']]['unit'] = $row['unit'];
            $recruit_units[$row['id']]['time_finished'] = $row['time_finished'];
        return $recruit_units;

I get the following error:

Consulta SQL: SELECT all_unit_spear,unit_spear_tec_level,all_unit_sword,unit_sword_tec_level,all_unit_axe,unit_axe_tec_level,all_unit_spy,unit_spy_tec_level,all_unit_light,unit_light_tec_level,all_unit_heavy,unit_heavy_tec_level,all_unit_ram,unit_ram_tec_level,all_unit_catapult,unit_catapult_tec_level, FROM Villages WHERE id= '494' Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mariadb server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM Villages WHERE id= '494'' at line 1

  • Has a comma left after unit_catapult_tec_level

  • Specify better when and how your mistake happens, from when it happens and what you are trying to do.

1 answer


There’s a comma left after unit_catapult_tec_level, and this happens because of the poorly designed foreach (which adds comma after all elements unconditionally).

A solution would be in place of this line:

@$sql .= " FROM villages WHERE id= '".$village['id']."'";

Trade for this:

$sql = rtrim( $sql,',')." FROM villages WHERE id= '".$village['id']."'";

It would be better to refactor the loop (and the rest of the code, very confusing for the intended result).

  • Boy, thank you so much, you saved me here.

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