Warning when installing nodemon. How to resolve?


Viewed 148 times


I installed the nodemon with the following command

$ sudo npm install -g nodemon

I got the following mistake:

npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating 
system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.14

What is the importance of this error? Can I despise it? How to solve it?

I’m running Ubunto 16.04 64.

  • 1

    Are you using the nodemon in development and not in production right? in that case, and if you have no recharging problems you can ignore. That’s the case?

1 answer


Dependency fsevents is intended for use in the OSX in accordance with README of the package in NPM.

Since your operating system is Linux, you can safely ignore this Warning since the nodemon will not use itself. :)

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