How to bring an item list


Viewed 97 times


I need to bring up a list of ITEMS, with only the Order id. The way I do it is this, but it brings me only one Item, I want to be able to bring all the items I have, with the Order ID.

var listaItems = new ItemRepositorio().BuscarTodos().FirstOrDefault(c => c.PedidoId == Id);
  • Friend in your ItemRepositorio() does not have a method to do this! What is the code of your ItemRepositorio() and the Entity! classes improve your question, because you may be making improper use of this code!

2 answers


  public List<ClasseUsada> FindAll(int pedidoId)
        using (Conexao con = new Conexao())
            return con.Tabela.Where(x=>x.Pedidoid.equals(pedidoid)).ToList();

Good afternoon follow code with this code returns everyone who has passed id


Just exchange your Firstordefault for Where.

The Firstordefault returns the first object establishing or not a condition, whereas the Where return all objects found in the condition.

  • Thanks so much for banging my head, I hadn’t even paid attention to Where. Thank you !!

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