Python GUI: request interface and or ide tips for this


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I’m redoing a small project I had done in Java, but now in Python. I’m learning everything from scratch and alone.

I need help with this part. What interface do you recommend? Do you have an IDE that works in design mode and things like that?

So far, I’ve only heard of Tkinter through some playlist on youtube: Zero Ignorance - playlist and Excript - playlist

1 answer


Tkinter is the "common denominator" of the graphical interface for Python. This means that a Python script that makes use of TK will run on any platform. For simple applications, it is a good choice, but as far as I know there is a "designer" for TK, you have to specify the interface using code.

For small projects it is sufficient and easy to use. For a large project with portability pretensions you would have to consider options such as Qt (Pyqt). Other options like Pygtk can be convenient if you already know GTK+, but GTK+ outside of Linux is not so convenient to use. Pyobjc is specific to the Mac, and so on.

  • That’s exactly what I’m looking for: options.

  • 2

    Just a small addendum related to GTK+. If you choose to make use of it, forget Pygtk, it is based on Gtk2 that has already been discontinued. To Gtk the way is Pygobjects

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