How to release port 80 to Apache?


Viewed 6,527 times


I am using Easyphp, and when I start, Apache displays an error saying that port 80 is already in use.

How do I release this door 80?

I just checked the doors and saw that there’s a inetinfo.exe (Internet Information Services) occupying this port. How can I remove it?

I’m using Windows XP and this inetinfo.exe is in:

C:WINDOWS system32 inetinfo.exe

3 answers


See if Skype is open, and other programs that use port 80.

Most of the times it gives a port error 80 already in use, is the Skype that is open.

  • No, I’m using this PC without internet,


The ideal would be you change the door of the EasyPHP, because some other programs use port 80 by default.

To change the Easyphp Standard Port:

1 - Click the Easyphp icon

2 - Go to Configuration and click on Apache

3 - Search for Listen

4 - Change 80 for 8080

5 - Restart Easyphp

Whenever you access it now, access it http://localhost:8080 or

  • It worked out, thanks.


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