Place objects on image


Viewed 177 times


I wonder how could do to place objects on an image on Android. An example would be to have the photo and on it put other images like circles, triangles etc...

How could do this on android?

  • Hello Hiago. Your question is quite broad. I suggest you edit it to focus on a specific problem you have (for example, how to draw something over an image). Taking photos, creating editor, saving images, are other problems (for which you can open other questions). Still, it would be nice for you to share what you’ve already tried. And, by the way, requesting libraries is not quite the focus of this site (which is not a forum, remember). For this type of request, you can always use [chat].

  • Hello Hiagosouza, I agree with @Luizvieira, it is very wide, but I believe that the biggest problem in this case is the image editor, try to take a look at this library another option would also be the aviary

  • Have you tried canvas?

  • true, I forgot the focus of the site. I didn’t know where to turn so I looked for the SOP

  • No problem Hiago: we can still fix it! It’s just [Dit] the question to make it more objective!

  • @Luizvieira tried to make it more objective. Thanks for the tip.

  • Did you solve your problem with the answer? Or do you need some more information?

  • I’m sorry I stitched up

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1 answer


The good way can be maybe by using the Canvas:

Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.foobar);
d.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);


  • 2

    In the case, R.drawable.foobar is the Resource image? Despite the breadth of the question (the way it is at the moment), I find your answer good and you already take my +1. But I think I needed to make a slight improvement in the example to facilitate the understanding of a larger audience and focus on drawing on an image.

  • @seamusd, thanks for the reply. as soon as I implement I give a feedback. running I offer again the 100 points and will give them to you.

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