What are the differences between Java SE, Java EE and Java ME?


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I am studying the Java Language in the course of Information Systems and I realized that the Java language is contained in our day even without realizing it. It is present on both our computers and mobile phones and on our Tvs.

I know that the Java Platform is divided into three main development environments Java SE, Java EE and Java ME, then I would like to know what the difference between the environments?

  • 2

    Here are some differences: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/firstcup/doc/gkhoy.html

  • Java ME is dead: http://stackoverflow.com/a/36677231/540552

1 answer


Java SE = Standard Edition

It contains the basic features (java.lang, java.io, java.Math, java.net, java.util, etc...). This is usually where learning should begin.

Java EE = Enterprise Edition

It is indicated for a more robust use. Large-scale applications, distributed systems, etc. It has the basic features (JAVA SE), of course, and extra features such as libraries for database access (JDBC, JPA), miscellaneous Apis (JMS, RMI), Java Server Pages, Servlets, portlets, etc.

Java ME = Micro Edition

Suitable for mobile devices and embedded systems. This edition is based on an old version of JAVA SE.

  • Java ME may be considered obsolete?

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