Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/genymotion_fake_path/present'


Viewed 179 times


I installed the emulator Genymotion in Android Studio, but it happens that when I run my app in emulator it returns me the following error:

Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/genymotion_fake_path/present'

I’ve tried to follow that post but it didn’t solve my problem!

Would anyone know the cause of the problem?

1 answer


I’m sure you’ve already solved your problem, but since I’ve also been through it, I’ve decided to post how I solved it.

My problem was solved by declaring Activity on Androidmainfest. Simple as that... an error of attention. : D

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

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