Error starting Android Studio after update


Viewed 128 times


Hello, I was using Android Studio normally until the IDE asked me to update and that’s what I did. However after the update I received the following error: "No JDK found. Please validate either STUDIO_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME Environment variable points to Valid JDK installation.". Then I tried to add the following line to the aruivo "": "JAVA_HOME = "/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_73/". But still the problem persists. Someone knows why?

1 answer


Includes the bin at your address jdk, the line below in your system variables. Here is a tutorial how to edit system variables in linux.

JAVA_HOME = "/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_73/bin

Or maybe it’s about permission, as I looked and found out that the owner and the group were undone, so you can change the permission/property with:

chown -R root:root android-studio

After that:

cd /usr/share/applications/android-studio/bin

and perform


Then try running Android Studio again.

  • Includes "bin" and still the error persists.

  • @Maybe it’s the question of permission too. I updated the answer

  • root@guilhermeramalho-Vostro-14-5480:/usr/local# chown -R root:root android-studio/
root@guilhermeramalho-Vostro-14-5480:/usr/local# cd android-studio/bin/
root@guilhermeramalho-Vostro-14-5480:/usr/local/android-studio/bin# ./
./ 35: ./ JAVA_HOME: not found

** (zenity:29850): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-V7BwI7xLkj: Conexão recusada
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

  • @Then there really is no JAVA_HOME within your settings. You will have to add it to be able to work.

  • @Guillermo read this article:

  • Nor does the.bash_profile file have here :( . . Androidstudio2.1 . bashrc Desktop . Filezilla . Gradle . local . mysql . pki . thumbnails . xsession-errors.old .. Androidstudioprojects . cache . dmrc . gconf . Iceauthority Templates . netbeans . profile Videos . android . bash_history . config Documents .gksu.lock Images . Mozilla . oracle_jre_usage Public . Xauthority Android . bash_logout . dbus Downloads . gnome . java Music . pam_environment . ssr . xsession-errors

  • @Guilhermeramalho qual linux vc usa?

  • I use Elementary OS. But I tried to create the file and put the tutorial lines and it worked. Thanks even for the expensive patience. It was straight now. Hug!

  • @Guilhermeramalho beauty, if you want to give the credits, we are here. Success there for you! Abs. I will edit by passing the link to configure the system variables. Good Luck.

  • @Then you can put my answer as right in relation to the question. Anything, need, just give a shout here.

  • Sure! I forgot to do that.

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