Jade dynamic variables


Viewed 146 times


Is there any way to render dynamic variables in jade with expressjs, when I say dynamic is to change in a loop without Reload in the page.

    app.set('view engine','jade');    

The intention is to refresh the res.render altering the {name:Rafael} for {name:Maria}(example) keeping the generated layout static. Got how? with socket or ajax?

1 answer


To do what you want you have to use AJAX.

Choose a route to AJAX and render the content you need in a string. To do this, pass a callback to .render:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.render('/partials', {name:'Rafael'}, (err, html) => {
        if (err) return console.log(err);
        var str = encodeURIComponent(html);
        res.send({html: str});

So send a JSON back to the Browser and use the HTML string in the content you need.

In the example I used {name:'Rafael'} but you can give Jade whatever data you want clear.

Note: Jade is now called Pug. Jade has been abandoned. You can read more about it here.

  • I tried to implement the idea soque did not work very well or did not understand the idea, this returned html will not replace the tmp that has already been rendered?

  • @Rafaelvergopolan I will try later to add an example of ajax if you do not know how to implement this.

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