Android Emulator with Internet


Viewed 160 times


I configured the emulator of Android, but has no Internet connection, as I configure or have no way?

  • 1

    which emulator??

  • Internet to connect the application you made ? Or in general ? Type the web browser is connecting ?

  • I managed to solve by placing the proxy in the emulator. Making it clear that it is the emulator that comes with the installation of Embarcadero.

1 answer


Speak up! You’ve already added the internet permission on Androidmanifest.xml ?

<manifest xlmns:android...>
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>

If not added and forehead. Vlw!

  • I managed to solve by placing the proxy in the emulator. Making it clear that it is the emulator that comes with the installation of Embarcadero.

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