Make a function that generates the XML string and not the XML itself PHP


Viewed 155 times


Hi, I’m trying to develop a function that generates only the XML string and not XML.

I am trying to connect on a Webservice that requires the following requirements:

user, password, passwordAgency and Xmlrequest.

The Xmlrequest are the parameters and methods I will call in the webservice

These 4 requirements I pass by soapcliente as follows:

array('usuarioCliente'=> $this->user,
      'senhaCliente'  => $this->password,
      'codigoAgencia' => $this->agencyCode,
      'xmlRequest' => $dados //parametros e metodos de todo o webservice

the problem is that the $data must go in XML string format, without appearing the 'xml version="1.0"' inside xmlRequest, if it appears the Webservice complains of the parameters and I am not able to develop a function that transforms the PHP keys into STRING XML

  • 1

    It would be good [Edit] the question and add the part you currently use to generate XML, then it is easier to help.

  • As it has to be the output of your XML string, exactly?

2 answers


Doing this doesn’t solve the case?

function convertXML($dados)
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<tag_header/>');
    array_walk_recursive($dados, array ($xml, 'addChild'));
    $dados = preg_replace('/<\?xml(.*)>/', '', $xml->asXML());
    $return $dados;

$saida = array('usuarioCliente'=> $this->user,
      'senhaCliente'  => $this->password,
      'codigoAgencia' => $this->agencyCode,
      'xmlRequest' => convertXML($dados); 


Ivan, thank you!

But I’ve done a function that suits me just for what I need,

Follows the function I developed.

private function toXml($array, $xml=""){
    $xml = $xml;
    foreach ($array as $chave => $valor) {
            $xml .= "<".preg_replace( '/\d+$/', null, $chave ).">".$this->toXml($valor)."</".preg_replace( '/\d+$/', null, $chave ).">";
            if($chave == 'dadoAdicional1' || $chave == 'dadoAdicional2'){
                    $xml .= "<$chave/>";
                    $xml .= "<$chave>".$valor."</$chave>";
                    $xml .= "<$chave/>";
                    $xml .= "<".preg_replace( '/\d+$/', null, $chave ).">".$valor."</".preg_replace( '/\d+$/', null, $chave ).">";
    return $xml;    

I made a Regex to take the key numbers and added an exception for fields that should not be taken out the numbers.

Even so, thank you very much for your reply!

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