Struts2 - Is it possible to access a back end method of an Action in JSP?


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I’m using Struts2 to build a web application. I have a method in a class called BaseAction, where all other actions extend it, as written below:

public boolean isUserFullyLogged() {
    final Boolean isLogado = (Boolean) this.retrieveSessionAttribute(Constantes.LOGADO);
    return (isLogado != null) && isLogado.booleanValue();

I want to access this method in my JSP to show or not certain content and tried the syntax below for this:

  • <s:if test="#userFullyLogged">Conteúdo</s:if>
  • <s:if test="%{#userFullyLogged}">Conteúdo</s:if>
  • <s:if test="userFullyLogged">Conteúdo</s:if>
  • <s:if test="%{userFullyLogged}">Conteúdo</s:if>

But none of them worked and the method just isn’t called. Does anyone know where I’m wrong and what the correct syntax to call a method in the back-end?

  • Why not just check the attribute in the session directly? To avoid repeating the test on all pages (improving maintenance), you could create a custom tag whose content is only rendered when the user is logged in and another for when not logged in. A tag file would be very practical.

1 answer


The problem is that you are trying to access an attribute userFullyLogged, that doesn’t exist.

Your call should simply be.

<s:if test="%{isUserFullyLogged()}">Conteúdo</s:if>

You can try a little better at the performance by making the isLogate be an attribute and not a variable, doing as an example below.

private Boolean isLogado;

public boolean isUserFullyLogged() {
    if (this.isLogado == null) {
        this.isLogado = (Boolean) this.retrieveSessionAttribute(Constantes.LOGADO);
    return this.isLogado.booleanValue();

This way you will make a single call to the retrieveSessionAttribute method and also a single cast and this value will be unique for each instance of Action that extends Basection.

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