Is it possible to implement an abstract class in PHP without the need for inheritance as in Java?


Viewed 119 times


It is possible to perform the class instance in PHP "in the same way" CachorroAbstract in the method main down below:

public abstract class CachorroAbstract {
    public abstract void latir();
public class Main{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CachorroAbstract cachorro = new CachorroAbstract() { //AQUI
            public void latir() {
                 System.out.println("AU! AU!");
  • Use interface :)

  • Hello diegofm, thank you for the reply. In fact my php class has some implemented methods, I did this in java to be very brief, and these implemented methods make use of the returns of the methods.

1 answer


No inheritance is impossible. But you don’t need to use a class to instantiate later, if you’re using PHP 7. In previous versions you can’t. I would even have another kind of technique without using object orientation, but it’s not what you want.

In PHP 7 it is possible with the syntax new class extends. This is called anonymous class in both languages. Something like this:

$cachorro = new class extends CachorroAbstract { ... };

I put in the Github for future reference.

  • Hello bigown, Thanks for the reply! I believe I won’t be able to use PHP 7, but still, thank you very much for the info!

  • Yeah, this is a complication :)

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