Webapi 2 Route Configuration web form application


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About 6 months ago I am entering the MVC world, before I used a lot of Webforms and I confess that I have difficulties understanding how to configure the routes for a ApiController, from what I noticed I can’t have two identical queries (with the same parameters), but I’m a little embarrassed to set this up.

Below I will put an example of code that is giving the error below while trying to access them.

   "Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:54596/api/graficos/usuarios/'.",
   "MessageDetail":"No action was found on the controller 'Graficos' that matches the name 'usuarios'."


public class GraficosController : ApiController

    public List<UsuarioDashboard> BuscaUsuarioDashboard(string param)
        return Fachada.FachadaEstatisticas.BuscaUsuarioDashboard(param);
    public List<EmailNaoEnviado> EmailsNaoEnviados(string data)
        return Fachada.FachadaEstatisticas.EmailsNaoEnviados(Convert.ToDateTime(data));


In the Global.asax I’m making the route as follows:

    name: "Site",
    routeTemplate: "api/{Controller}/{action}/{site}",
    defaults: new { }

     name: "Usuarios",
     routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{param}",
     defaults: new { }

     name: "Graficos",
     routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",
     defaults: new { }

I think my mistake is trying to take advantage of the same controller for more than one function. That’s it?

I’ve searched a lot of sites, but I can’t find one that has an explanation that I understand.

  • 1

    Why you don’t use attributes by routes?

  • and how would that be? I’ve tried a lot...

  • This the way it is is not going to work. What is RouteTable?

  • @Alexbecker This is supposed to be a Webforms application?

  • No need to configure routes in Global.asax? I can decorate the parameter directly in the controller as I commented in the code above?

1 answer


Alex, first you do not need to register several routes in your Global.asax, s you need to customize a route using the attribute Route.

I know you’ve done most of the work below, but just in case I’ll start from the beginning.:

Create a class WebApiConfig inside App_Start:

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

In the global.asax only register the routes:

protected void Application_Start()

now in your classes, do so:

public class GraficosController : ApiController

    public List<UsuarioDashboard> BuscaUsuarioDashboard(string param)
        return Fachada.FachadaEstatisticas.BuscaUsuarioDashboard(param);

    public List<EmailNaoEnviado> EmailsNaoEnviados(string data)
        return Fachada.FachadaEstatisticas.EmailsNaoEnviados(Convert.ToDateTime(data));

now you can make the following calls:

GET: api/graficos/EmailsNaoEnviados/2016-01-01
GET: api/graficos/BuscaUsuarioDashboard/userName

SOURCE: Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2

  • Very good that I need thank you, tried so much thing that had already disorganized my code... thanks

  • @Alexbecker, be sure to access the link I put at the end of the reply, maybe it will help you organize your code.

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