How to find out if a number is odd or even?


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How to find odd and odd pairs from this list?

Sub kati()
For li = 1 To 10
For col = 1 To 10
  • 3

    And where’s the list?

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2 answers



Idem to the operator Mod, can be done like this (whereas it is a matrix):

If Matriz(li, col) / 2 - Int(Matriz(li, col) / 2) = 0 Then MsgBox Matriz(li, col) & " é Par" Else MsgBox Matriz(li, col) & " é Impar"
  • Very good Leo, I liked it very much, I only had a doubt, I could explain the mathematical operation?

  • Of course, when dividing an integer by 2, if there is no rest it is even, if there is rest it is odd. The equation takes the result of the division by 2 and subtracts from the whole part of this same result, if 0 is that there was no rest, then the number is even; if 0.5 is that it had rest, then the number is odd. For example: 18/2 - INT(18/2) = 9 - 9 = 0 (Even), 23/2 - INT(23/2) = 11,5 - 11 = 0,5 (Odd), that’s it.

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