How to make paging with Angularjs and php?


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How to make paging with angular and php?

My php:

$pdo = conectar();

$buscaCidades=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM cidade");

$return = array();

while ($linha=$buscaCidades->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $return[] = array(
        'idCidade'  => $linha['idCidade'],
        'nome'  => utf8_encode($linha['nome']),

echo json_encode($return);

My html:

<div align="center">
<table width="400">
        <td width="200"><b>Cidade</b></td>
        <td width="100"><b>Sala</b></td>
        <td width="100"></td>
    <tr ng-repeat="cidade in cidades">

My controller:

app.controller("CidadesController", function ($scope, $http, $stateParams, $state) {

var carregaCidades = function () {
    $http.get("admin/php/pegaCidades.php").success(function (data){
        $scope.cidades = data;



2 answers


I suggest you use one of the various directives on the market.

I particularly found this Exceptional!

Page almost everything in Angularjs !

How to use:

    <li dir-paginate="item in items | itemsPerPage: 10"></li>

// Em algoum outro lugar na pagina ....

  • +1, was unaware of this way. It was doing everything in the hand :


Here I explain how to do:

Basically that’s how:

Utilizes the dirPaginate. You need to get down here, then start it on your page:

<script src="dirPagination.js"></script>

And put it as a dependency on your core module:

var app = angular.module('guerraTI', ['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);

Now to activate pagination, simply replace ng-repeat with the dir-paginate directive. The only parameter that needs to be added is itemsPerPage, which as its name already says, is the amount of records that will be shown on each page.

<tr dir-paginate="dado in dados|filter:procurar|orderBy:sortKey:reverse|itemsPerPage:5">

After that, you can put the pagination controls:

<dir-pagination-controls max-size="5" boundary-links="true"></dir-pagination-controls>

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