Coordinates of selected area in image


Viewed 1,992 times


I have the following question:

I have an image and I want to make the selection of any area of this image, as in the example marked by the red square (consider this to be the selection).

From this selection, I need to know the coordinate of each of the points, as for example in the image: Point 01 = XY coordinate | Point 02 .....

Can someone give me an idea of how I do it?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This square comes from where? is a div that you drag to that position or is a part of the image?

  • So @Sergio, it comes from a part of the image. The idea would be to select any part of the image with a "select area" equal to the selects of Crop, only then instead of doing Crop, it would return the indicated points.

  • I don’t understand yet... you say it comes from a part of the image, but the idea would be to select any part of the image. The red rectangle is part of the jpg, png or was created in the browser with user interaction?

  • Created in the browser with user interaction. I ended up finding a practical use in the Cropper plugin. Take a look link - X, Y, Width, Width, which is the information I need.

2 answers


Here’s a starting point to do this with native Javascript.

It is not difficult, my example may need some adjustments but so you learn better also how it works.

Basically you need to control some parameters:

  • know when and where the mouse clicks on the image to start dragging
  • know where mouse moves and cancel native drag
  • change the width of the selection as it drags
  • add the event headphone mousemove to the window, to know when to drag it out
  • use the getBoundingClientRect to know the positions of the corners of the selection

These steps are in the code below, this could be in practice:


var info = document.getElementById('info');
var img = document.querySelector('img');
var selecao = document.getElementById('selecao');

var inicio;

function arrastador(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); = e.pageX - inicio.x + 'px'; = e.pageY - inicio.y + 'px';

function gerarInfo() {
    var pos = selecao.getBoundingClientRect();
    var coords = {
        se: [pos.left,],
        sd: [pos.right,],
        ie: [pos.left, pos.bottom],
        id: [pos.right, pos.bottom]
    info.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(coords);
img.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
    inicio = {
        x: e.pageX,
        y: e.pageY
    }; = 'block'; = inicio.x + 'px'; = inicio.y + 'px'; = 0; = 0;
    window.addEventListener('mousemove', arrastador);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) {
    inicio = null;
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', arrastador);


#selecao {
    border: 2px #aaf solid;
    position: absolute;
    display: none;
    background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3);


<div id="info">Aqui vai aparecer info...</div>
<img src="" alt="" />
<div id="selecao"></div>


In the example the results are

  • "upper right corner" as se
  • "upper left corner" as sd
  • etc.

If you have any questions say I’ll explain it better.

  • 1

    Perfect solution friend! Thank you so much for your help! This congratulations!


I found a practical solution in the Cropper plugin. It returns exactly this image information. Selection made in the browser with user interaction. Returns the X, Y, Width and Height coordinates.

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