Use the __get method inside the controller


Viewed 41 times


In my entity I have the following magic method:

public function __get($key)
    return null;

On my controller I have the following code:

$clients = $this


$naoExiste = $app->getNaoexiste(),

Despite the method __get exist within the entity, the following error occurs:

Attempted to call an Undefined method named "getNaoexiste" of class "Appbundle Entity Clients".

The method __get does not work in the entities?

1 answer


The method for calling methods that does not exist is not the __get, is the __call.

__get is to call an action when a property does not exist.

__call is to call an action when a method does not exist.

You should also take care when adding "magic features", because if Doctrine, internally check the method with method_exists, he will return false.

  • Thank you Wallace, I really changed the methods. Regarding the Doctrine, in what situation the verification of the method with method_exists occurs? I currently have no property with true/false values, but if there could be assigned the value false erroneously, that’s what you mean?

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