Speaks guys, I need information granted through whois, various domains, which can end in . com, . br, . net, etc. With our provider br the nicbr no problem, I’m already using their rdap that returns a marvel of json all cute all nice, the problem is with the rest, so I saw the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Naming and Numbers) is responsible for everything, I looked for webservices etc but nothing, I went in search of the providers that these great host sellers use, eg:godaddy, hostgator, etc, I found several, all very nebulous. Here are some that I noticed that they do intermediate, that is, somehow they consume the information in a nice way, without giving file_get_contents and treating string, maybe js and xml what would be ideal: http://whois.internic.net/ http://whois.afilias.net/ http://whois.verisign-grs.com/ http://whois.markmonitor.com/ http://whois.afilias.info/ I found the https://www.robowhois.com that seemed perfect, but asks for a key_api and password that I have no idea what it is. Help the guys I need the information of a shitload of domains and persist in bank.
– Renato Tavares