How to make the webscrapping of a site that has post method?


Viewed 473 times


I’m having trouble doing the webscrapping for sites using the method post, for example, I need to extract all news related to political parties from the website:

Below is a schedule I made of a newspaper using the method get to show what is my goal with this programming.

# iniciar bibliotecas 
# URL real =

url_base <-""

url_base <- gsub("quatro", "PSD", url_base)

link_imparcial <- c()

for (i in 1:4){


  url1 <- gsub("koxa", i, url_base)

  pag<- readLines(url1)

  pag<- htmlParse(pag)

  pag<- xmlRoot(pag)

  links <- xpathSApply(pag, "//h1[@class='cat-titulo']/a", xmlGetAttr, name="href")

link_imparcial <- c(link_imparcial, links)
dados <- data.frame()

for(links in link_imparcial){

pag1<- readLines (links)

pag1<- htmlParse(pag1)

pag1<- xmlRoot(pag1)

titulo <- xpathSApply (pag1, "//div[@class='titulo']/h1", xmlValue)

data_hora <-xpathSApply (pag1, "//span[@class='data-post']", xmlValue)

texto <- xpathSApply (pag1, "//div[@class='conteudo']/p", xmlValue)

dados <- rbind(dados, data.frame(titulo, data_hora, texto))

agregar <- 

aggregate(dados$texto,list(dados$titulo,dados$data_hora),paste,collapse=' ')

#definir diretorio


# salvar em xlsx
write.xlsx(agregar, "PSDB.xlsx", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

If it is not possible to solve my problem, I would like indications where I can find programming examples with the method post.

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    Welcome to Sopt. Add code to the question, not an image of it, this makes it difficult to analyze and reproduce the problem. I suggest reading [Ask]

1 answer


In that case you can do so using the package httr:


url <- ""
res <- POST(url, body = list("Busca" = "PT"))

After that you can extract the data in the usual way or using the rvest:

noticias <- content(res, as = "text", encoding = "latin1") %>%
      read_html() %>%

# extrai titulos
noticias %>%
  html_nodes("strong") %>%
# extrai links
noticias %>%
  html_nodes("a") %>%
  html_attr("href") %>%
  keep(~str_detect(.x, fixed("/noticia/")))
# extrai data
noticias %>%
  html_nodes("em") %>%

The idea to extract information when the site receives forms POST is to find out what information the site sends to the server.

I always open the site using the Chrome tightening F12 to open the developer tools and I will p/ a tab Network.

Then send the form normally through the site and back p/ a aba Network, and click on the first item of the list, in this case is /resultado/.

Now, look down at the image the part Form Data, are this information you need to send to the server using the parameter body of function POST of httr.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    Very good this tip to look at my Chrome form data, I did not know and always went only by HTML.

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