I am creating a system in which the user can put as many textarea as he wants, the system is already ready. The code to do this is this:
function addPergunta(){
var corpo = "<div id='pergunta-" + pergunta + "'><hr><h3>Pergunta " + pergunta + "</h3><textarea id='textEditor' class='textarea-pergunta' placeholder='Escreva a pergunta...'' name='pergunta-" + pergunta + "' required></textarea><div id='itens-" + pergunta + "'><div id='item-" + pergunta + "-1' style='display: inline'>1. <input type='text' class='item-pergunta' name='item-" + pergunta + "-1' placeholder='Escreva a alternativa para essa pergunta' required></div></div><button type='button' class='add-item' onclick='addItem(" + pergunta + ")' data-toggle='tooltip' title='Adicionar ítem à questão' id='addItem-" + pergunta + "'><span class='fa fa-plus'></span></button><button type='button' class='add-item' onclick='removerItem(" + pergunta + ")' data-toggle='tooltip' title='Remover um ítem!' id='removerItem-1'><span class='fa fa-close'></span></button><input type='text' class='resposta' placeholder='Insira a resposta certa para essa questão' name='resposta-" + pergunta+ "' required></div>";
var areaPerguntas = document.getElementById('perguntas');
areaPerguntas.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', corpo);
itens[pergunta] = 1;
What matters is that I create this textarea with normal javascript and tals. But I wanted to put this textarea as a text editor, I already use Ckeditor a little while and I like it a lot, but what happens is that I can’t load it when I do this DOM, it loads only once when it loads the page. If someone has any method of loading it every time they add a new textarea.
OBS.: It does not have the id corresponding to the Ckeditor in this code, is why I took it while not solving this problem. And I’ve also tried to load the Ckeditor into that function, but it doesn’t load.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much! It worked, I was really failing to identify the textarea correctly.
– Artur