SQL Select unique categories sorted by popularity


Viewed 58 times


I am trying to get a list of categories that are in use and then sort them based on the number of records to be able to assemble a list of categories and use in the site filter. So they must follow these restrictions:

  • Unique categories;
  • Categories that are used;
  • Sort by popularity (the more records it has, the higher it should get);

For this I have 2 tables, 1 with the list of products and categories:

id |  id_categoria | id_produto

And the other with the list of categories

id  | nome_categoria

At the moment I just could not select based on popularity, because later I need to sort according to the number of records found in the table cadastro_produto

This is my sql:

$qry = sql("SELECT DISTINCT id_categoria FROM relacao_categoria");

// Processo para montar a array de id's com o resultado

$qry = sql("SELECT id, nome_categoria FROM cadastro_categoria WHERE id IN ($ids)");

How can I do so that when getting the 2nd sql results, they are in order of popularity?

  • Try SELECT Count(*) as popularity, id, nome_categoria from cadastro_categoria WHERE id in ( $ids) group by id, nome_categoria order by popularity desc

  • @Reginaldorigo although it also works, the response of Juven_v was more objective and simple, I recommend taking a look too.

1 answer


The suggestion of the Reginaldo Rigo comment is a good solution. Optionally you can remove the first sql query sql("SELECT DISTINCT id_categoria FROM relacao_categoria"); and make a Join Inner in the second query.

Using the SQL editor of W3C , the query would look like this (tested with two tables with different names, Categories and products, but that fit your situation):

SELECT count(*) as popularidade, Categories.CategoryID, CategoryName 
from Categories, Products 
WHERE Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID group by
Categories.CategoryID, CategoryName order by count(*) desc;
  • Perfect! In addition to reducing the number of SELECT (3 -> 1) greatly simplified the process! Thank you very much

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