I have 2 designs, using Restfull Jersey:
- Projectox
- Projectoy
And the module of User, this module is responsible for making GET, POST, REMOVE to manipulate the information related to User.
This module is shared between these projects. But saved in different Tablespaces, but with the same table structure.
We use the following flow:
Usuariowebservice -> User appservice -> User -> User
The problem is:
- I create a third project Projectoglobal to place these layers including the Usuariowebservice
- Or I create a third project with only the last 3 layers and a Usuariowebservice to the Projectox and another to the Projectoy ?
I need to understand what’s best from a technical point of view.
Young, first thing: what language? Click [Edit] and add the language tag.
– Jéf Bueno