I am using the following code to bring a list of companies with CNPJ formatted for Datagridview:
dgv.DataSource = db.pessoajuridica
.Select(d => new { d.idPessoa, d.nome, d.cnpj })
.Select(c => new { IdPessoa = c.idPessoa, Razão = c.nome, CNPJ = Convert.ToUInt64(c.cnpj).ToString(@"00\.000\.000\/0000\-00") })
And I’m using the following code to bring a list of individuals and legal entities to Datagridview:
dgv.DataSource = db.pessoajuridica
.Select(m => new { IdCliente = m.idPessoa, Nome = m.nome, Tipo = "Pessoa Jurídica", Documento = m.cnpj })
.Select(m => new { IdCliente = m.idPessoa, Nome = m.nome, Tipo = "Pessoa Física", Documento = m.cpf }))
But I would like this second option to also come with formatting, one specific for CNPJ and another specific for CPF. But it’s not working...
The classes are defined below:
public class pessoa
public int idPessoa { get; set; }
public string nome { get; set; }
public class pessoafisica : pessoa
public string cpf { get; set; }
public string rg { get; set; }
public class pessoajuridica : pessoa
public string cnpj { get; set; }
public string nomeFantasia { get; set; }
Does anyone know how I could do?
Why don’t you use the
as you did in the other query?– Jéf Bueno
Because I can’t use . Tostring() inside the query... so I put . Asenumerable() and in the next select I used . Tostring()
– Felipe Bulle