C# List<> - Insert into database


Viewed 941 times


I have an app that takes information from a TextBox, inserts into a list List<> and then shows in a CheckBoxList.

List<string> quantidade = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Count; i++)
List<string> artigo = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Count; i++)
List<string> valor = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Count; i++)
/*List<string> artigo = new List<string>();
  for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Count; i++)

CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Add(new ListItem("Quantidade: " + TextBoxQuantidade.Text + " Artigo: " + TextBoxArtigo.Text + " Valor: " + TextBoxValor.Text) + " Anexo: " + FileUpload1.FileName.ToString());

And I want to add to the database all the rows inserted in List<> and I already have this example:

SqlCommand sqlInsertList = new SqlCommand("Insert into linhas (quantidade,descricao,valor) VALUES(@quantidade,@descricao,@valor)", sqlConn);
sqlInsertList.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantidade", );
sqlInsertList.Parameters.AddWithValue("@descricao", TextBoxArtigo.Text);
sqlInsertList.Parameters.AddWithValue("@valor", float.Parse(TextBoxValor.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat));

sqlTran = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();
sqlInsert.Transaction = sqlTran;        

What is the easiest way to do this and adapt the SQLInsert?

  • Are you having any problems? It seems to be ok, just need to complete a line.

  • I advise that instead of using three lists, create only a typed list with the Line class. It will be easier to go through only one enumerable than to work with three of them synchronized.

1 answer


From what I see, the problem here is that three lists are being created to operate, instead of using only one, facilitating abstraction of the idea of Row. First you would have to have a class that represents this kind of data.

public class Linha
    public int Quantidade { get; set; }
    public string Descricao { get; set; }
    public float Valor { get; set }

Using a concrete class you no longer need to perform three loopings, one for each entity property Row.

IList<Linha> linhas = new List<Linha>();

for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxListLinhas.Items.Count; i++)
    linhas.Add(new Linha
        Quantidade = int.Parse(TextBoxQuantidade.Text.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat),
        Descricao = TextBoxArtigo.Text.ToString(),
        Valor = float.Parse(TextBoxValor.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)

So to insert all the lines the process becomes much simpler, with only one foreach.

foreach (Linha linha in linhas)

Consider that Little is your current method that serves to treat only one unit. Modify your code in this method so that it works as follows:

SqlCommand sqlInsert = new SqlCommand("Insert into linhas (quantidade,descricao,valor) VALUES(@quantidade,@descricao,@valor)", sqlConn);

sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantidade", linha.Quantidade);
sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@descricao", linha.Descricao);
sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@valor", linha.Valor);

sqlTran = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();
sqlInsert.Transaction = sqlTran;        


  • Despite being looped, you’re always accessing the same three fields. I don’t know if that’s the behavior you really wanted. If there are multiple lines or you want to duplicate this information.
  • I used the type float to the property Valor, but if it is to deal with a monetary value the most appropriate type for such operations is the decimal.
  • I don’t know how your whole method is in inserting a Row, but in the example that was passed the sqlConn is not being closed. Always close connections to bank-related operations (IO, stream, etc.) when you complete your action. If you don’t want to use the method Close-up, usually these classes implement the interface Idisposable, allowing you in this way to Instruction Using, who already does this job for you.
  • I’m sorry for the delay in answering, but I was left with a little doubt. This first cycle is I insert into a method?

  • Yes. In these cases it is always good to separate the behaviors in a collective action and a single action. If the action you will perform can be done for only one unit, separate it into one method and create a method that is a collective to exit by calling the single unit method.

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