Bootstrap: prevent the menu from closing when clicked out of it


Viewed 946 times


I am using the following script so that the dropdown menu of Bootstrap does not close when clicking on some other point of the page:

$(document.body).on('click', function(event){
    var windowWidth = $(window).width();
    if(windowWidth > 991){
        if (!$('.dropdown-toggle').length) {

The problem is that all other modules (Carousel, panel, etc) stop working. Any hints?

  • Hello, for me your question is very vague. can make a jsfiddle that has constriction?

  • @I put an example in Codepen.

  • Please mark an answer as correct. (if already solved) so the question is not open.

5 answers


The solution I found was:
If not to hide then save what is open and then open again.

Stayed like this.:

$(document.body).on('click', function(event){
    var windowWidth = $(window).width();
    if(windowWidth > 991){
        if (!$('.dropdown-toggle').length) {
            var obj=$('');

The example in jsfiddle.

  • Cool. Solved the problem. But the menu blinks when another page item is clicked. It has how to solve?

  • Well, I noticed, but I don’t see how I can get past it if I can think of an edit :D

  • I tried to give a false Return in event. But then it won’t work again.

  • The blinking problem is setTimeout(), puts -1

  • The -1 did not solve

  • Strange, here it does not blink with -1.

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Sorry, I understand what you wanted, try doing this:

I edited the question, see if it fits your purpose:

  $(function() {
        "": function() { 
            this.closable = ($('').length > 1) ? true : false 
        "click": function() {
           this.closable = true; 
        "":  function() { return this.closable; }

Here’s the example working on Jsfiddle

  • 1

    The goal is to detect the clicks off the menu and not inside the menu. For what I noticed.

  • @Ivan Ferrer Ivan, Tiago is right. I need to detect when the menu is not clicked to keep it open.

  • I edited the question to be more objective.

  • @Ivanferrer Ivan, on the first click, the menu closes. It only stays open if I close and open again.

  • See if you’re right now, I don’t understand the negative, but the idea is that you close one so you can open the other, since you want to fix the menu...


I found this solution:


<li role="presentation" class="dropdown keep-open"> <a id="drop6" href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Dropdown1 <span class="caret"></span> </a>
    <ul id="menu3" class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="drop6">
      <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
      <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
      <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>


    "": function() { this.closable = false; },
    "click":             function() { this.closable = true; },
    "":  function() { return this.closable; }
  • Hello, I didn’t try to repeat, I was simply making the answer when you created your.


The dropdown component of the bootstrap has events to handle all interactions.>This Event Fires immediately when the show instance method is called.>This Event is Fired when the dropdown has been made Visible to the user (will Wait for CSS Transitions, to complete).>This Event is Fired immediately when the Hide instance method has been called.>This Event is Fired when the dropdown has finished being Hidden from the user (will Wait for CSS Transitions, to complete).


You can use this code.:

"": function() { this.closable = false; },
"click":             function() { this.closable = true; },
"":  function() { return this.closable; }



In the meantime, I checked that if we open a second menu, the first menu is open. If it’s not the goal you can put this code.:

    "": function() {
    "": function() {
       this.closable = false;
    "click":function() {
       this.closable = true;
    "": function() {
        return this.closable;


  • James: you have two answers. Are different approaches or are the same answer?

  • @Sergio These are different answers. The first was a totally different approach where the question was met but flashed and it was necessary to check another option. I thought to edit and completely change the answer but the other is not incorrect so I thought it was positive to have 2 different answers.


Remove the data-toggle from your menu buttons and make their display code without affecting boostrap behavior.

I used your html window to click the buttons, find the internal menu and display it or not if clicked.

Just put this script:


    $('.nav-pills .dropdown a').on('click',function(){

        var jqMenu = $(this).closest('.dropdown').find('.dropdown-menu');

        if (jqMenu.length > 0)
            if (':visible')) {
            else {

Link to the solution - CODEPEN

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