What is the difference between __CLASS__ and get_called_class?


Viewed 236 times


In PHP, I know two methods to display the name of the current class being called: through the magic constant __CLASS__ and function get_called_class().

Apparently, they both do the same thing.

class A 
     public static function className()
          echo get_called_class();

class B
     public static function className()
          echo __CLASS__;

B::className(); // 'B'
A::className(); // 'A'

There is a difference in performance between them?

Is there any difference when calling them?

1 answer


Doing the tests after seeing this answer on Soen, they have different effects in situations when we extend a class:

  • get_called_class returns the name of the current class and not where it was declared:

    class Foo
        static public function digaMeuNome()
    class Bar extends Foo
    Foo::digaMeuNome(); // Retorna Foo
    Bar::digaMeuNome(); // Retorna Bar
  • __CLASS__ returns the name of the class where the method was declared, i.e. digaMeuNome was declared in Foo:

    class Foo
        static public function digaMeuNome()
    class Bar extends Foo
    Foo::digaMeuNome(); // Retorna Foo
    Bar::digaMeuNome(); // Retorna Foo
  • 1

    The answer was a little simple, but I’ll try to complement later.

  • But that’s what I’ve been waiting for :)

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