BLOG: http://1478562145.blogspot.com.br/
I’m wanting to take this slide of the posts, but if I remove some tag from the scripts, related to the slide images, all the photos disappear... I reduced the blog as much as I could and all the Avascripts present when being removed they modify that slide...
Only that’s not the problem.. If you click to read the full post you will see that I colored a part of the post, and it is all structured in a different way( and in the case the way I want it to be ), but the automatic summary modifies the post and puts the automatic slide. If I delete this part of the code for example:
expr:id=’"summary" + data:post.id’ style=’display:none;’
The post stays the way I want it to stay and gives original shape, let’s say... But in doing this I would be losing the 'Read More'.. And I’ve tried to add it separately but it never works because it’s already in javascript, and if I remove it everything that contains within the posts will be gone...
There are some parts of javascript that when removing the slide up to, but the photos get all large and the text is formatted in the way that javascript sends and does not give way that I edited... Like this one:
// Homepage Slider and Gallery Slider
lazyLoad: 'ondemand',
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
autoplay: true,
autoplaySpeed: 5000,
prevArrow: '<button type="button" class="slick-nav slick-prev"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></button>',
nextArrow: '<button type="button" class="slick-nav slick-next"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></button>'
I’ve taken element by element from javascript but instead of removing just one thing, it erases everything... and one doesn’t even happen. And my hands are tied... please help me, give me a light, a hint, anything... I’ve been trying for days, and nothing I do helps me come to a conclusion. Is it possible to remove the slide from the posts... ? if not, there is how I remove this 'read more' and add it in another template without it?
As I know that I may not have explained it properly... I’ll summarize a little... I don’t want you to have the slide and even if the text is formatted the way javascript sends it, I want the text to look the same when it is clicked on 'Read More', only I want it to happen before reading more.
Delete <script src='//Cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.Slick/1.5.5/Slick.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>... And the code below //Homepage Slider and Gallery Slider... I searched for post-gallery in the blog and tagged as comment.. The slide stopped, but the post is not as it looks when clicking to see the full post... Click on the post title, because 'Read More' is not working.
– Carla Vieira
It is not to comment on what is with the post-gallery class but to uncomment the images inside it. 'post-galery' was the class name they chose to be the slider wrapper. The plugin received this name and created the slider features for any tag that had this class. I’ll take a look, Peraí.
– Sérgio S. Filho
Ahh I looked at the source code of the page here. These sliders are being created automatically by the server right, so I don’t know if you should try to take it this way. Then you have to understand more calmly how the server is assembling the pages.
– Sérgio S. Filho