What would be the way to validate the CPF checker digits in a DB using only a SELECT?


Viewed 6,682 times


Finding information on how to calculate the CPF check digits is not difficult. Any Google search gives numerous results. Most are reliable and even have a well respected source which is the entry on CPF on Wikipedia (where unfortunately some previously existing codes have been removed). Some of the algorithms presented there are in better shape than others.

There is even how to do this in PL/SQL. But the doubt would be how to calculate the digits and get whether this calculation is valid or invalid using only the command SELECT SQL, preferably with ANSI syntax or as close as possible. But the most important thing is the algorithm itself, more than a specific technical aspect.

The algorithm in this form is useful when you don’t have access to a database system with Stored Procedures or privileges to create an SP in a database.

If it helps, initially the data format contains no separator signals.

This is a scenario where it is not known whether the data contained in the database is reliable or not. Assemble a SELECT in an algorithm, which is usually done using more complex code, as demonstrated in Wikipedia, is not something so trivial.

Alternatives that help solve the fashion problem correct will be appreciated. Obviously there can be false positive or negative, which would destroy the purpose.

I do not know where there is official documentation on the subject. I have searched enough and did not find, at least in the obvious places. It’s amazing how lacking official source in all the places where you teach how to do the calculation. But it is something well known in Brazil.

No matter the check the cadastral situation in the IRS, only if the digits are correct.

  • 13

    This question has been asked before here and has been removed due to problems in its conception, aggressiveness generated in the comments and mainly for having incorrect answers. Following Zuul’s request on http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/a/1143/101 (read the whole discussion, it is useful for learning the whole community) here is an opportunity for the question to have a correct answer, since it is very useful to the site, either to give initial information about the calculation or to know an algorithm optimized to "fit" into a SELECT. I hope I’ve helped in the little time I have available.

  • 8

    I am happy to see this question back, it was frustrating the feeling of effort lost in the other, mainly for having developed the select and having done several tests to get the answer. And not only that, I imagine this is a VERY common problem for Brazilian developers! Too bad you can vote up once.

  • 6

    @excellent bigown have recovered the question.

  • 5

    very nice to have the question helping here again hahaha

  • The algorithm behind Cpf number creation can be better understood here at http://www.geradorcpf.com/algoritmo_do_cpf.htm

2 answers


Query for CPF digit calculation and validation

I used Mysql as a base, but it’s relatively simple to adapt to other "dialects".

Format-free base version, default

SELECT id, nome, cpf, CONCAT( @dig1:=(
      SUBSTR(cpf,1,1)   + SUBSTR(cpf,2,1)*2 + SUBSTR(cpf,3,1)*3+
      SUBSTR(cpf,4,1)*4 + SUBSTR(cpf,5,1)*5 + SUBSTR(cpf,6,1)*6+
      SUBSTR(cpf,7,1)*7 + SUBSTR(cpf,8,1)*8 + SUBSTR(cpf,9,1)*9 ) % 11 % 10
      SUBSTR(cpf,2,1)   + SUBSTR(cpf,3,1)*2 + SUBSTR(cpf,4,1)*3 + 
      SUBSTR(cpf,5,1)*4 + SUBSTR(cpf,6,1)*5 + SUBSTR(cpf,7,1)*6 + 
      SUBSTR(cpf,8,1)*7 + SUBSTR(cpf,9,1)*8 + @dig1          *9 ) % 11 % 10
   ) AS digito FROM cadastro;

Version for the formatted CPF, in standard 000,000,000-00

This query already considers a stored CPF as groups of 3 digits separated by point and trace in the traditional way (or any other separator, provided it is one between each group). Basically the input values of the SUBSTR.

SELECT id, nome, cpf, CONCAT( @dig1:=(
      SUBSTR(cpf, 1,1)   + SUBSTR(cpf, 2,1)*2 + SUBSTR(cpf, 3,1)*3 +
      SUBSTR(cpf, 5,1)*4 + SUBSTR(cpf, 6,1)*5 + SUBSTR(cpf, 7,1)*6 +
      SUBSTR(cpf, 9,1)*7 + SUBSTR(cpf,10,1)*8 + SUBSTR(cpf,11,1)*9 ) % 11 % 10
      SUBSTR(cpf, 2,1)   + SUBSTR(cpf, 3,1)*2 + SUBSTR(cpf, 5,1)*3 +
      SUBSTR(cpf, 6,1)*4 + SUBSTR(cpf, 7,1)*5 + SUBSTR(cpf, 9,1)*6 +
      SUBSTR(cpf,10,1)*7 + SUBSTR(cpf,11,1)*8 + @dig1           *9 ) % 11 % 10
   ) AS digito FROM cadastro;

Click here to see a functional test on SQL Fiddle.
(the numbers were generated by an online third party tool, and in two of them I purposely put errors)

If the idea is just to identify valid Cpfs or not, simply move the formula to the clause WHERE:

-- Retorna os registros com CPF inválido:
SELECT id, nome, cpf FROM cadastro WHERE SUBSTR(cpf,13,2) != CONCAT( @dig1:=(
   ... o resto permanece igual ...

For the format 00000000000, just adjust the IF( SUBSTR(cpf,13,2)... for IF( SUBSTR(cpf,10,2)..., and copy the right part of the above blocks.

Additionally, after checking the digits, you can find the invalid Cpfs with valid digit, from 000,000,000-00 to 999,999,999-99. But this really deserves a separate query.

  • Very good! Just missing such link for documentation on this famous CPF :) +1

  • @Zuul the bigown put in question

  • 2

    @Zuul by the way, I was hitting one of the codes of the WP, but a subject reversed (it was a multiplication by 11 to make module 11 then, that is, nonsense). Then I’ll check in on you.

  • I saw this link in the question, I expected something more detailed... but maybe there is not! : / Anyway good work continues there ;)

  • 2

    @Zuul understands how it is; is that in Brazil this number is more important even than the identity document, for many things. It’s almost like the "social security" of the USA, but for outsiders it shouldn’t make any sense at all.

  • 4

    @Zuul But as you’ve probably gotten used to, we often say redundantly that things here in Brazil have seen "Brazil":) That is, one of the most important calculations that can be done officially in the country does not have easily accessible documentation. Who can indicate something official, #stay :)

  • @Zuul here in Brazil CPF is the C dagger P this is the F ísica. Here: http://i.imgur.com/A1hagps.jpg

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I use the script below in Sqlserver for validation of a CPF. You can create a function and call it select

               @SOMA INT,
               @DIG1 INT,
               @DIG2 INT,
               @CPF_TEMP VARCHAR(11),
               @DIGITOS_IGUAIS CHAR(1),
               @RESULTADO CHAR(1)


         Verificando se os digitos são iguais
         A Principio CPF com todos o números iguais são Inválidos
         apesar de validar o Calculo do digito verificado
         EX: O CPF 00000000000 é inválido, mas pelo calculo


   SET @INDICE = 1

   WHILE (@INDICE <= 11)
         SET @DIGITOS_IGUAIS = 'N'
      SET @INDICE = @INDICE + 1

   --Caso os digitos não sejão todos iguais Começo o calculo do digitos
      --Cálculo do 1º dígito
      SET @SOMA = 0
      SET @INDICE = 1
      WHILE (@INDICE <= 9)
         SET @Soma = @Soma + CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(@CPF,@INDICE,1)) * (11 - @INDICE);
         SET @INDICE = @INDICE + 1

      SET @DIG1 = 11 - (@SOMA % 11)

      IF @DIG1 > 9
         SET @DIG1 = 0;

      -- Cálculo do 2º dígito }
      SET @SOMA = 0
      SET @INDICE = 1
      WHILE (@INDICE <= 10)
         SET @Soma = @Soma + CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(@CPF,@INDICE,1)) * (12 - @INDICE);
         SET @INDICE = @INDICE + 1

      SET @DIG2 = 11 - (@SOMA % 11)

      IF @DIG2 > 9
         SET @DIG2 = 0;

      -- Validando
         SET @RESULTADO = 'S'
         SET @RESULTADO = 'N'
  • 5

    cool, only you read the question?

  • Opa, yes I read. I passed an example only. You can take and instead of creating the function, specifically use T-SQL and get as return. It may seem complex, but it is complete and has no false-positive. Official documentation on the segmentation of the numbers that make up a CPF was on the Receita website or was on the Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo website, but I’m running out of time to search.

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