Get information from the customer


Viewed 794 times


This may sound like a silly question, but I’m kind of in trouble here.

I need to collect through the browser some information that helps me identify the client that is browsing. I already know the MAC address I won’t be able to get. But would it be possible to get some browser identifier installed? Maybe some installation ID, or something that helps me identify the client that is using my application?

Thank you.

2 answers


In the C# in Assembly: System.Web has the class Request, that you can use to capture various information from Client.

For example the IP.

 String IP = Request.UserHostAddress;

See the Property list.

HttpBrowserCapabilities bc = Request.Browser;
Response.Write("<p>Browser Capabilities:</p>");
Response.Write("Type = " + bc.Type + "<br>");
Response.Write("Name = " + bc.Browser + "<br>");
Response.Write("Version = " + bc.Version + "<br>");
Response.Write("Major Version = " + bc.MajorVersion + "<br>");
Response.Write("Minor Version = " + bc.MinorVersion + "<br>");
Response.Write("Platform = " + bc.Platform + "<br>");
Response.Write("Is Beta = " + bc.Beta + "<br>");
Response.Write("Is Crawler = " + bc.Crawler + "<br>");
Response.Write("Is AOL = " + bc.AOL + "<br>");
Response.Write("Is Win16 = " + bc.Win16 + "<br>");
Response.Write("Is Win32 = " + bc.Win32 + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports Frames = " + bc.Frames + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports Tables = " + bc.Tables + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports Cookies = " + bc.Cookies + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports VB Script = " + bc.VBScript + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports JavaScript = " + bc.JavaScript + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports Java Applets = " + bc.JavaApplets + "<br>");
Response.Write("Supports ActiveX Controls = " + bc.ActiveXControls + "<br>");
Response.Write("CDF = " + bc.CDF + "<br>");


  • IP is something very simple. I would need more.

  • you did not specify your plus ...

  • I made my own answer below


I found what I was looking for. I will use a technique based on Fingerprint with a plugin already made for such.

From N variables contained in the browser it is possible to generate a hash as a unique identifier for that machine.

I will also use the Evercookie to store the information.

I hope it helps.

  • The fingerprint plugin will help me create a unique identifier without any effort. I don’t think Request.Browser could do the same thing.

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