White screen in wp-admin in WORDPRESS


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Hello guys I’m having a problem in my wordpress just putting ONLINE in hosting that the screen of WP-ADMIN turns white. I tried to connect the DEBUG but no error appears, already uploaded 5x, already delete all plugins and tried and nothing. In host place becomes normal.

I did all the installation of Wordpress with IP and database direct from the hosting and created the blog on localhost with everything functional but when I played it online wp-admin gets white screen

  • You can add a more complete image or description of the problem?

  • but it’s just that white screen when Linko domain/wp-admin

  • you imported the database? and you changed the site url?

  • You can describe how you downloaded/installed the site?

  • did not import, I already put by IP to avoid problem so the database is right, yes changed in wp_options...

  • The database allows outside access?

  • i installed normally but occluded the IP of the hosting and created correctly and successfully all my blog but when I went to play the site online wp-admin gets white screen when access

  • @Sergio yes allows , but is giving white screen with the site ja online..

  • in localhost it is right wp admin and site, but when I played online in the hosting and is giving white screen in wp-admin

  • "I installed normally" is too vague...

  • @Sergio did the wordpress installation putting the database and ip of the hosting and installed correctly, I created the site tested everything on locahost and run 100% my blog. but ae just played the site via ftp online and the wp-admin is giving white screen.

  • If you put a teste.php at the root of the site with a echo 'teste';, what happens? You only mention wp-admin, but not what appears on your site.com.br...

  • In addition to setting the debug in wp-config.php you have to see the settings of your PHP server (look for PHP.ini) and verify that you can show the error. You can also try to see the PHP log files and activate the Wordpress log. So with the error message in these logs it is easier to resolve.

  • try to make sure you are connected to the Database, after confirming, confirm that you have changed the localhost data in the wp_options table by the new ones (corresponding to the server). And if you continue try www.teulink.com/index.php/wp-admin. If you get access try going to Settings and exchanging links probably haven’t yet updated

  • Before doing anything, try to undo what you did last. As you have uninstalled the plugins, and it didn’t work. Try to take the . htaccess from the root, but make a backup first. Is the website front working? See the last changed files in WP.

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1 answer


It may also be that you are viewing the white screen because you have exhausted your server’s php memory limit. This can be caused by some plugin or Thema that consumes a lot of php memory.

Sometimes it can also mean that there is a problem with your web hosting server. So since the problem can be caused by a number of factors, it may require perhaps a lot of different solutions.

To increase the memory limit of php, go to php.ini and change the following line:

memory_limit = 512M

Probably at 64 or 128, change to 512.

If you are not using php.ini on your hosting, which means you are using Apache Handler, PHP is in Apache module and you will need to create a file. htaccess and put the following value:

php_value memory_limit 512M

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