What does i-esimo mean in an array?


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Which means i-th, I’m having a hard time understanding its use in arrays and matrices.

  • 1

    The i-th is usually used to indicate some kind of generic element of a data set, it can be in a vector or a matrix.

1 answer


When you refer to the index 0 of a array, can speak the first element, right? Just as 1 is the second, 2 is the third, and so on. 19 is the twentieth.

How would you talk about the element i of array? i-esimo. So when you need to define a "generic" (variable) position of the array, can use this expression to indicate which element will depend on the value of i to know the actual position.

-nth (end of hundredth or thousandth) composition element

expresses the notion of ordinal numeral and fractional . (e.g. cagagésimo, nth, infinitesimal).

"-in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [online], " 2008-2013, https://dicionario.priberam.org/-%C3%A9simo [consulted in 03-12-2019].

  • What would be the use of the word to describe some element of a matrix that must be accessed through i and j? Could be i-th element and j-th element?

  • 2

    That, it is even more common to use the term n-esimo.

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