Form via post and pass in beforeSave


Viewed 41 times


I’m not able to send the data via post, is via put.

You’re not going through callback beforeSave and when I debug the request in the controller, you’re put. Maybe that’s why you don’t pass callback beforeSave.

Follow part of the codes:

   echo $this->element('menuReceitas');

   echo $this->Form->create('Receita, array('type'=>'post'));
   echo $this->Form->hidden('id_receita');
   echo $this->Form->input('receita', array('label'=>'Receita','readonly'=>'readonly'));
   echo $this->Form->input('valor_receita', array('label'=>'valor'));
   echo $this->Form->input('data_receita', array('label'=>'Data', 'type'=>'text'));
   echo $this->Form->input('detalhamento', array('label'=>'Detalhamento', 'readonly'=>'readonly'));
   echo $this->Form->end("Alterar");


public function beforeSave() {
   $this->data['Receita']['valor_receita'] = $this->valor($this->data['Receita']['valor_receita']);
   $this->data['Receita']['data_receita'] = $this->data($this->data['Receita']['data_receita']);

   return true;


public function alterar($idReceita) {
   if ($this->request->is('get')) {
      $this->Receita->id = $idReceita;
      $this->request->data = $this->Receita->read();
   } else if ($this->request->is('post')) {
      $this->Receita->id = $idReceita;

      if ($this->Receita->save($this->Receita)) {
         echo $this->Session->setFlash("Receita alterada");
      } else {
         echo $this->Session->setFlash("Receita não alterada");

1 answer


Beneath the scenes, Cakephp sets the form request to PUT.

So in the instruction Else if ... change the is('post') for is('put').

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