Dynamically Loaded Content Handling


Viewed 455 times


I need to manipulate an attribute of an html tag that was dynamically loaded via ajax. I have tried several ways using jQuery but none of them worked.

The code being loaded via ajax is as follows:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="idTablePhoneFC" style="max-width: 480px;">
    <td class="EstChkValorCampo">
        <input type="text" onchange="F$.fnCleanErrField('P2Telefone');" style="width:100px" maxlength="20" size="10" value="" id="P2Telefone" name="P2Telefone" class="InputText"><span></span>

Note that the field input[type=text] is with the attribute "style" forcing a maximum width of 100px. I tried using CSS ! Important to try to force the element to be wider than this, but it is not accepting. So my idea was to try using jquery, but I did not get results with the following code:

$(function() {


    $(window).load(function() {


Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

  • Could you post how you are creating this dynamic html? If possible, also explain what you want to do with it.

  • I edited the question by putting code examples.

  • try to replace your . bind() method with the . delegate() or . on() method that is most current.

  • OK Thomas Lima, thanks for the tip.. I’ll try and post the results.

  • I tried using the . on() method as directed by @Thomaslima but it didn’t work. The method . delegate() I don’t quite understand how I could apply it in this situation, as I need the css to be dynamically modified via jQuery as soon as the page loads.If anyone has any more ideas, please post.

  • Where do you have the function that loads the page dynamically? "$(window). load" refers to your current HTML and not your page that will be loaded.

  • @robsonds at the test level, try to change the '$(Function() {...}' to '$(Document). ready(Function((){...})

  • @Filipemoraes the function that loads the content dynamically is at the end of the <body>. I’m not sure, but I think this is the function: <script>&#xA;F$.ShowWaitingFull();&#xA;function fnStartChk(){&#xA; F$.CmdExecIn(F$.CmdChkRegister,{},F$.fnChkRegister);&#xA;}&#xA;window.onload=fnStartChk;&#xA;</script>

  • @Thomaslima altered $(function() {...} for $(document).ready(function(){...}) but it didn’t work unfortunately.

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2 answers


At the end of the page loading, the input#P2Telefone is not yet available, it will only be available after the request AJAX.

So you have two options, move the $("#P2Telefone").css('width','100%'); into your request $.ajax. Or put it in your CSS file #P2Telefone { width: 100% !important; }

Below is an example working....

//criando URL que irá servir o HTML dinamico por AJAX.
var createURL = function () {
  var tmplHtml = document.getElementById("tmplHtml");
  var blobHtml = new Blob([tmplHtml.innerHTML], { type: 'text/html' });
  return URL.createObjectURL(blobHtml);  

var url = createURL();
var btAjax = document.getElementById("btAjax");
btAjax.addEventListener("click", function () {    
  //realizando requisição ajax
  var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  httpRequest.open("GET", url, false);
  httpRequest.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
    if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
      if (httpRequest.status == 200) {
        var template = document.createElement("template");
        template.innerHTML = httpRequest.response;
        var conteudo = document.importNode(template.content, true);
        var p2Telefone = conteudo.querySelector("#P2Telefone");        
        p2Telefone.style.width = "100%";                
      } else {
        console.erro("Erro durante a requisição AJAX");

// esperar o carregamento da pagina
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {  
  if (document.readyState == "interactive") {        
    // O input#P2Telefone não está disponivel neste ponto
    var p2Telefone = document.getElementById("#P2Telefone");
    p2Telefone.style.width = "100%";
<input id="btAjax" type="button" value="Adicionar Input" />
<template id="tmplHtml">
    <input id="P2Telefone" type="text" style="width:100px" />

  • I thank everyone for their help. I ended up being able to use #P2Telefone { width: 100% !important; } to force the width of the widget.


In this case use . attr and not . css.

Would look like this:


But since your element is being loaded via ajax, you will need to enter this code within the end of the ajax method.

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