How to search for an element with the same class depending on the number of children?


Viewed 877 times


My scenario is this, I have two ul with li. As uls have the same class, but I wanted to manipulate only one of them, in this case, the one that has only one li as a daughter.


Example 2:

 <ul class="teste">

<ul class="teste">

I need to manipulate just the ul test that have only 1 child, which in this case is the second.

I thought I’d select all the uls, and make a check with the childElementCount, if it were bigger than 1, I would apply a CSS to ul, if not, nothing would happen. But I tried to use childElementCount and I couldn’t make the comparison, I tried the .find() also.

  • I don’t understand what you want to do.

  • @Paulohdsousa, see if you understand now

4 answers


you can search for the li belonging to .teste who is only daughter, then access the relationship of the same.

var itens = document.querySelectorAll(".teste li:only-child");
var listas =[], function (item, indice) {
  return item.parentNode;
<ul class="teste">

<ul class="teste">

if you prefer, in jQuery:

var listas = $(".teste li:only-child").parent();
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="teste">

<ul class="teste">

  • worked perfectly, I just found the use of Jquery.filter simpler for my understanding.

  • @haykou can become even simpler using the Tobymosque example var $minhaUl = $(".teste li:only-child").parent();

  • 1

    @Pedrocamarajunior had forgotten that the .parent() does exactly the same thing as mine .map was making.

  • thanks guys, I don’t even know which one to mark as the answer because they all worked


One way is by using the jQuery.filter()

var $elementos = $(".teste");

var $minhaUl = $elementos.filter(function() {
  return $(this).find('li').length === 1;

$minhaUl.css('background', 'blue');
<script src=""></script>

<ul class="teste">

<ul class="teste">


I caught it follows your js code and added the if you need.

var lista = document.querySelectorAll('.lista');
var listaj = $('.lista');
$( ".lista" ).each(function( index ) {
 if( $(this).find("li").length == 1)
   //Código aqui apenas 1 item na LI.
  • method . size () is obsolete from jQuery 1.8.

  • @durtto he did so in his code, only adapted the final part


Try this, put an id on your ul.

<ul id="minhaLista">
    <li>Elemento 1</li>
    <li>Elemento 2</li>

To know the size:

$("#minhalista li"). length

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