What the best way, change only the registration steps and not every page


Viewed 746 times


I have a page where the user chooses to login (if already have registration) or register, if he chooses to register by clicking the button cadastre-se I would like the element to exit to the left and the first step of the registration to come to the right like a slide system.

In my Home html I have the steps call each one through a include and I leave one down the other following the hierarchy, do not know if for what I want this is the best option.

Like I could use display:none and applying display:block in the next element. But I would like to make the effect slide someone can give me a light and examples.

Follow an example in a simple way that I poderia but I want to replace it with the slide effect:

Example jsfiddle


  • Friend, do an example in jsFiddler for us to help you. You want every step div of this step to have a right slide effect, that’s it?

  • https://jsfiddle.net/1r3vwf30/embedded/result/ I made a simple example of the way I could do, but I would like instead of just disappearing it to slide left and that place to Etapa2 that will slide right. @Rboschini tried some things like .hide() and .show() but it didn’t work very well nor the .animate({width: '0'} ) ...

  • @Erick, take a look at Antaimate from jquery: http://api.jquery.com/animate/

  • I left an example in Fiddler for you.

2 answers


You can use CSS to do this. Using CSS Transition and negative margin hides the element. Then you add a class that resets the margin to zero, with Javascript.


#slideleft {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  transition: margin-left .5s;
  margin-left: -200px;
  background: #ccf;

.abrir {
  margin-left: 0px !important;


button.addEventListener('click', function() {

jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/20b36dnv/

  • I tried to reverse leaving the box already open and when clicking the button it slide but n worked, na vdd so invert o margin-left: in css, what can it be? This in your example in jsfiddle.

  • @Erick thus http://jsfiddle.net/20b36dnv/1/?


Buddy, I made an example for you. See if it helps


I created html with the steps.

<div id="wizardSignin" data-step="1" active>
 <h1> Step 1 </h1>
 <input type="text">

<div id="wizardSignin" data-step="2">
 <h1> Step 2 </h1>
 <input type="checkbox">

<div id="wizardSignin" data-step="3">
 <h1> Step 3 </h1>
   <option>Option 1</option>

 <input type="button" id="nextButton" value="next">

In Js, display control and apply slide effect as you specified.


        var idx  = $('#wizardSignin[active]').attr('data-step');





See if this helps.

  • Look that’s right, trying to apply my need here I’m not getting by clicking the button it disappears with the first element but n shows the second but maybe I’m missing something here your example was nice thank you.

  • Remember that this example uses data-tag, don’t forget to put the data-step in your Ivs.

  • Edit your Iddler and put here that I help you, but adapt before the one you’ve sent, so we can codate together.

  • I found out what I had wrong and now it worked, I just need to know if you’ll see me since the system is more robust than I mentioned... But at last it was useful to me and it worked very thank you.

  • it is possible to slide the first element to the left and the next to come from the right?

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