How to create templates with Javascript?


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I would like to know if it is possible (and how to do it, if it is) templates with Javascript. Just like the Facelets in the JSF, where one creates a template page and the others follow what has been pre-established.

If anyone could point out any material, I’d really appreciate it!

  • How Does It Work? Follow what was Pre-established? You’re talking about Objective Orientation?

  • Something like templates in Angularjs ?

  • I’m sorry, I just don’t quite know how to explain it. Type, in JSF has the facelets allow us to create a page template (with the top and footer, for example). And the rest is just call this template and put the body of the page. I mean, I don’t have to copy the top and footer on all pages.

  • Bootstrap is in javascript, css and Html5. It has many components there

2 answers


You can use Angularjs itself to modularize the page. You can separate markup, content and logic from each part of your web app individually.

You can see the documentation on:

It is also possible to use specific template-only solutions, such as mustache and other js template templates. Check out the operation of some in:

if it is simply to separate the header and footer, it is possible to include the Angularjs in the page and use the following semantics:

<div ng-include="'includes/header.html'"></div> 

<!-- Conteúdo da página -->

<div ng-include="'includes/footer.html'"></div>


With Handlebars you can create templates in js with ease!

See an example of your syntax/Usage:

<div class="entry">
  <div class="body">

Using {{template}} to carry out their markings.

Populating the template.

var context = {title: "My New Post", body: "This is my first post!"};
var html    = template(context);


<div class="entry">
  <h1>My New Post</h1>
  <div class="body">
    This is my first post!

Another framework that can accomplish this is Angularjs, it is very complete has:

  • Two-way Data Binding
  • Injection of Dependencies
  • Creating directives (HTML Extension) <- Template
  • Modularization and reuse (Controllers, Services and Filters)

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