Most voted "python" questions
Python is a dynamic and heavily typed programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes usability. Two similar but incompatible versions of Python are in use (2 and 3). Please mention the version you are using when asking a question about Python.
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viewsHow to use scrapy on pages
Well folks, my question is this:: I have to download the excel file of the product that contains the description "Maíz", Product type "Los Démas. En grano." and marketing "In bulk with 15 %…
viewsSet variables with uppercase letter in Python
Well, I’m learning python and from time to time I’ll read other dev’s codes to learn something and variables appear with uppercase letters. Examples: RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504],…
viewsSelecting Python String List Cell
I have to select only the last sentence containing 'M6C13'. The text with all sentences in full is in this string path variable that receives the text through the CMD: path =…
viewsCatch current time in Python
I want to calculate the execution time of a function in nanoseconds, thus: tempoIniAlg = time_ns() vetorOrdenado = quickSort(vetor) # Vetor ordenado tempoAlg = time_ns() # Tempo de resolução do…
viewsIn-line verification in Python 3
I want to put the value of a variable and if that value is not available put another. EX: variavel = 1 || 0 This is possible in Javascript, but I want to know if there is any way to do it in python.…
viewsHow to clear Python’s Idle screen?
How to clear the Python Idle screen? After several entries it becomes polluted and bad to visualize. This is possible in a practical way?
viewsError Convert data format EN
Trying to convert str to date in BR format but from the error below. And if I take 'format' it goes in American format: df = pd.read_csv(‘df.csv',encoding='cp1252', sep=';') df['Data']=…
viewsProblem identifying if a word from a list is present in my string in Python
I’m looking to identify if in my input there are any words that are on a list of words that I created. The code runs normal without presenting any error, however, is missing the result always. Code:…
viewsInstall matplotlib
I am trying to install matplotlib on the computer but am getting the following error: ERROR: Command errored out with Exit status 1: command: 'c: users ferco appdata local Programs python…
viewsWindows Service with Python
I’m new with python, and I’m wanting to create a windows service using the language, I saw that there are libraries for q be done until I found some example codes and tried to adapt, when use…
views(Pandas) to_scv error in parameter Sep=
I am trying to play the content of a dataset on an scv, however the parameter SEP =';' stopped working. df.to_csv(path,r'\20191122_Consolidados_camara_de_retencao.csv', sep = ';') When trying to run…
viewsIs there any way to limit the number of characters in a crypt?
I need to encrypt some database keys to decrypt in the future, but all generated messages need to be the same size. md5 has generated messages of the same size, but can not translate back (E is not…
viewsHow to order a dataset
I’m trying to sort the numerical values of a dataset in ascending order using : df.sort_values(by=['radius_mean'], axis=0) But I would like to sort all the columns in ascending order and not sort…
viewsMatrix in Python 3
I wanted my program to run the following. 1 2 1 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 And the same for any other number. My code is like this: def matriz2(num_linhas): for linha in range(1,num_linhas+1): for i in…
viewsHow to save an input to a txt file
How can I save an input from a user that is registered in my program so that even after it closes the program and opens it again it is possible to print only that user’s input? It is possible to do…
viewsHow do I get variable values out of a function?
I have a function, name rounds, with another function inside, and in this function that ta inside I have a declared variable, it calls pecas_comp, i need it in function rounds but am not getting…
viewsHow to discover all possible paths to visit all vertices of a graph?
I need to store all possible routes to visit the vertices of a graph without going through the same vertex twice (TSP), I thought of generating the routes randomly and storing all that are not…
viewsGet value from an Excel cell with Openpyxl (Python)
I have a spreadsheet in Excel that I am analyzing some data, and when I do this loop, the returned value is a string, like '=AL35/AH35' for example, instead of a float. This set of cells I’m…
viewsHow to search all elements of an array in Mongodb
I have a Mongodb document as an example: { "_id": "andresm", "username": "Andre Salesmo", "carros": [ {"marca": "ferrari", "tipo": "coupe", "preco": "850000.00", "data_compra": "22/01/2015",…
viewsHow to increase the number of floats in python
I made a program that encrypts a message, but it doesn’t work when the message is great because the result gets big. I would like to know how to make python show me the result, no matter the message…
viewsHow to validate if ternary operator was used in the implementation?
I want to validate through the TDD if in the implementation was applied ternary operators. How can I measure this situation? def par_impar(x): return "impar" if x % 2 else "par" Or this other?…
viewsHow to add license for my python application?
I’m having a problem. This problem is "How to create a license for my software". Suppose this is my license key - 12345YW When the user enters this license key, the software should allow him to use…
viewsHow to count repeated elements in a list of tuples?
listaAnimais=[('leao', 'Simba'), ('javali', 'Pumba'), ('leao', 'Scar'), ('hiena', 'Banzai'), ('leao', 'Mufasa')] #especie,nome dicEspecies={} for especies,nome in listaAnimais:…
viewsError in string formatting
I’m trying to personalize the spacing used in one string formatted, center to be very visual between the lines. The program is returning me value error. Follows the code: def titulo(msg): tam =…
viewsCannot multiply the sequence by a non-int of type 'float', even when transformed into 'map'
level: beginner I need to multiply that [list] * [float]: eta = [random.random () - 0,5] * eps but when I try to make a float or a map, it still doesn’t work (because of unsupported operand types).…
viewsDoubt in PA code in Python
Was Doubtful in an exercise resolution in Python. pri_termo = int(input('Digite o primeiro Termo: ')) razao = int(input('Digite a Razão da PA: ')) termo = pri_termo cont = 1 while cont <= 10:…
viewsHow to turn a set into a Python 3.x list
I’m doing an exercise that asks to, given two sets, print in ascending order (line by line) the symmetric difference between them, my code: n = set(input().split()) m = set(input().split()) m_diff =…
pythonasked 5 years ago Pirategull 659 -
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viewsSearch object by PYTHON class attribute
Good afternoon, I wonder if I can find an object using an attribute Example: class Pessoa: def __init__(self, nome, idade, cpf) self.__nome = nome self.__idade = idade self.__cpf = cpf pessoa1 =…
viewsHow to compare two Python data frames
Hello guys I am trying to automate a loading process with python bringing data from sql and sending to a mysql table and I am facing some problems. Problem: I need that when I have new data in my…
viewsSame codes, different outputs
Why in the code x = 1 while (x < 4): x = x + 1 print ("x vale", x) has only one output 4, and in i = 6 while (i > 0): i = i - 3 print (i) The way out is different.…
viewsError in the user’s Manytomanyfield link
I’ve created a routine where you register a cost center. This cost center is linked through a Manytomanyfield when I register the User. Below the of these registration: user models: class…
viewsPython pandas import
I have this import and then set the columns I want. I can in the import itself set the columns I want? import pandas as pd…
viewsError saving an image obtained by Opencv
Directory where I need to save Banco-de-Faces\nome Directory where he is saving: Banco-de-Faces My code: cv2.imwrite("Banco-de-Faces\\" + nome + str(framesObtidos) + ".png", imagemRosto) My program…
viewsConcatenate numbers into a python csv file
I have a problem with a CSV file, because I have a CSV file with phone numbers, but the number 55 is missing in front of the numbers. how can I is doing this in python. This is my code import pandas…
viewsHow do you show only half the content the camera picks up?
I wonder how to show the content captured via webcam (by videoCapture) in a window that only shows half of what the camera picks up, In opencv.
pythonasked 4 years, 12 months ago junior54145 1 -
viewsAsynchronous Communication
I intend to implement private asynchronous communication (in python) in order to test some cryptographic algorithms. The goal would be to have an Emmiter that sends the encrypted message and have a…
viewsErrors when defining the edges of an N x N matrix? Index: list index out of range
I created a function that takes as a parameter an Nxn matrix, and initially prints the top edge of the matrix, but I keep getting the error "Indexerror: list index out of range", and this prevents…
viewsHow to verify if Valueerror occurred
I’m trying to make a program in Python that runs a second-degree equation: and delta is less than zero (no root exite); if it equals zero (only has a root); if it is greater than zero (there are two…
viewsThe best way to make an information search program
I work with text production and would like to make a search program that returns pre-formatted information so that I only copy and paste in the text editor. I’m a beginner in Python, so my script is…
pythonasked 5 years, 11 months ago douglas1alc 23 -
viewsMosaicing in Python or C++?
I am developing a program that, in the future, I intend to transform into app for android. I’m developing in Python, my idea was to use kivy to develop the entire app. In the current step I am…
viewsI need to count the prime numbers to a certain number n
Write the n_primes function that takes as argument an integer greater than or equal to 2 as parameter and returns the number of primes that exist between 2 and n (including 2 and, if applicable, n).…
viewsConvert string to XML object
I am consuming a SOAP Web Service and I can call through Python using the module zeep. client = Client(wsdl='meu_endpoint?WSDL') print(client.service.ObterDividaAtivaPorCPF('user','senha','cpf')) It…
viewsCalendar in python
Greetings !! I’ve been developing a python agenda and made it create a new list each time I run the command. He even does the correct procedure at the beginning but concludes before I finish the…
pythonasked 5 years, 11 months ago Matheus vieira 1 -
viewsProblem in performing a Groupby of a Dataframe - Pandas
I’m trying to accomplish a groupy in a Dataframe that consists of cases of covid-19 per state in Brazil. However when I pass the function it returns me the following error in the figure below. There…
viewsI cannot use the shell in Docker-Compose
I am developing a Python application with MYSQL in Docker-Compose, but it is not a web application, would it have any way to run this application in the container by shell ? if there is, you could…
views*Python , discounted calculations are giving a wrong value, why?
tipo_comb = input('Digite [G} para gasolina \nE [A] para alcool: ') quantidade = float(input('Quantidade desejada: ')) cadastro = input('Digite [C] se possuir cadastro \nDigite [D] se não possuir…
viewsGiven any number, elaborate a function that performs the sum of its digits using recursive python
Given any number, prepare a function that performs the sum of its digits using of recursion. So, for example, if the number 1435 is passed as parameter, the function developed should return the…
pythonasked 4 years, 11 months ago Matador DoMal 1 -
viewsHow does an online game server work?
This is another question about online games, I recently studied Opengl and learned how the process of creating video games works, I was interested in learning more to create an MMO, for this I…
viewsModules of the Python3
I’m trying to make a Scrap on a college site, I usually do in Javascript with Casperjs and even then everything ok. But now we are trying to use Python for this and I’m having problems with this…