Most voted "mvc" questions
Model-view-controller (MVC) is a model of software architecture that separates information representation from user interaction with it.
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viewsData is not being loaded in the Table
Good Afternoon, I wonder how I can get my list of records to be loaded into the table at the same time that the chart is loaded by AJAX, because currently in my model shows that there are records…
viewsSystem.Nullreferenceexception sending Form Asp.Net MVC
I have an edit controller, which receives a value from the bank and plays for view, and then I want with this view to play the values on the screen (basic test)... However, even with my controller…
viewsModel list arrives outdated in controller - Asp.Net mvc
I have a Viewmodel with two object lists. The first of them is has an editable column, where it is possible to change a numerical value. After changing the values of the "Listtypes" in the view, it…
viewsImage (BITMAP) for String
I have never worked with anything like this and would like to insert an image into a database and for what I saw the best way is to transform an image into a string, I have searched and found some…
viewsGroup values from a multidimensional array with the same value and display in a table
Good morning, I have a multidimensional array, shown below: array(3) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#35 (3) { ["id"]=> string(2) "73" ["valor"]=> string(6) "200.00"…
viewsJAVA - Swing-free timer with MVC
I’m studying java and I saw myself in a situation that I don’t know how to solve... I have a timer where I intend to do it following the rules of MVC, but I can’t update Jlabel when I separate the…
viewsHelp with MVC Pick up checkbox value and send to bool variable controller
I’m trying to send the value of checkboxwith id, if the checkbox be it true, will create the column. VIEW <div class="checkbox dadospessoais"> <label> <input class="dadospessoais"…
viewsRender css/js inside a second Partialview
Using C# MVC5 I have the file "_Layout.cshtml" which loads the standard scripts and css. Each page on my site (Partialviews) then has sections (Script.Render and Style.Render) to load some separate…
viewsJava - Spring 404 - not found
I am developing a Java application with Spring Boot, however, Controller is not able to find HTML, apparently... Page not being found Previsão do tempo <table class="table"> <thead>…
viewsPass as parameter a screen field
Good afternoon guys, I would like some help. I am new in this area and I ended up taking a project in a methodology that I do not know well yet. I have a project in MVC and needed the following…
viewsReload table without updating whole page? Mvc Applications
I have an application that insert some information through an Ajax call, so far all right, the data enter normally however, I can only view the changes after I do a refresh on the page, I wanted…
viewsSave information list in txt MVC
Good afternoon guys, as I am new in mvc would like a help if possible from you, I am trying to get some data from my list add the same in a txt file and save on my machine, what this agreeing is…
viewsSpring MVC does not recognize static page - CSS
I am doing a project in java using Spring MVC and when implementing the technology my page stopped being stylized, I already looked for the solution in other questions, in the documentation of…
viewsDropdownlist Scading - Does not load the second dropdownlist
good night!!! I’m a total newbie on this and I’d like some help from you guys. I got an example on the Internet of a waterfall dropdownlist. However, when I implemented it in my application…
viewsForms in Modal Bootstrap
I’m with a system that all forms (Views) are in Modal Bootstrap. The View Index loads all Partialview. Below the Index: By clicking the Register button, for example, a Javascript function accesses…
viewsUpdate the status of multiple ids at the same time Mysqli php mvc
Good morning! I need to "Pick up the selected Ids" and change their status to the option you choose in select status. Bulk editing, same value in the status field for all selected Ids. Models:…
viewsView values submit to controller with post
I am quite beginner in MVC and was here as a question: In view I have: <form id="form1" action="/Jogo/ExecutarAcao" method="post"> <input type="radio" id="banana" name="opcao"…
viewsHTML validation der Jquery mask
Guys I have an ASP.NET MVC screen using Razor, which in Edit return data that has already been saved for editing. In one of my fields is of type (decimal) use to save monetary value. This field when…
viewsHow to start a download automatically when the user enters a specific page
I have a MVC C#application, where after login (it will be the first time you access the platform) the system starts downloading some files (the files change according to the needs of the department,…
viewsScanner not working
I’m trying to do a little programming, but the scanner doesn’t seem to be working. Whenever I put to print it returns 0 independent of the numbers, which was to return the highest number. It works…
viewsFailed to convert nvarchar'Array' value to int data type
Hello. I’m having some trouble inserting values into a table. Explaining better, I get the AID generated in Account and need to insert it in Login. I was successful in consulting the AID generated…
viewsAspnetcore with Ajax method POST
I created an aspnetcore example project with ajax-POST, but Something is going Wrong. Where am I going Wrong? What is Missing? Index.cshtml (JS) $(document).ready(function () {…
viewsError generating Vue Bundle: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
I’m trying to install Vue in a project made in php without framework, what I want is to transform parts of the template into components (menu, top.). When trying to generate Bundle I have this…
viewsModel does not recognize the Datetime format
Hello, I am creating a program to learn a little more about . NET C#, this project is a simple CRUD project. But I have a problem in my model, when I run the program to create a new record it is…
viewsCollection does not allow foreach
I have a collection and inside I have another collection of images. I need to do a chained foreach to get information from the first collection, and then the second foreach to get the images I have…
viewsautoload in classes using mvc
You can do this in php use COntroller; class Bootstrapp(){ public static function logar(){ $controller=new \Controller\$controlador(); } I’ve tried it here and the syntax error down here the code if…
viewsMVC Dao - How Do I Separate DAO from the Control Class?
1-My DAO is inside the Control Class, as I do to separate it in a Daobairro? 2-The Connected Bank has Factory Standard (Connection Factory)? Details here, with the codes:…
viewsWhat exactly is the Model for in a PHP application?
Can a Model class be used to store the columns of a database table? Or does she just store the methods for the business rule? If it does not store the columns, what part of the application is…
viewsjava.lang.nullException error
I am developing software for a video rental company with Pattern MVC (Model-view-controller) design with the Java Persistent Api Framework and the XML (Generic Markup Extensible Language). My…
viewsIs there a difference between services, plugins and modules within a mvc framework?
I’m studying the mvc structure and I’m trying to see some examples of how to structure some projects and I came up with some doubts. I saw that in some structures, they put classes with auth,…
viewsDoubt about changing data in PHP MVC
I need to update a client’s data on my MVC project. It is a form that must update two tables in the database: "user" and "patio", but only "user" is being updated, which can be? Returns no error,…
viewsLearn . NET Core
I have been developing for a while in . NET Framework (webforms, windows Forms) and am learning . NET Framework MVC. I saw Maniero’s response in several posts talking about Core and the "death" of…
viewsQuestions with JSF
Well, I am not long in Java WEB and I have some doubts in Javaserv Faces, and I would like to understand, to be able to manipulate well, etc. So if anyone can ask my questions, I would be grateful.…
viewsReceiving data in Controller
I’m trying to develop an MVC from scratch, without frameworks, however I’m having difficulties in receiving the input values via form in my controlller, I would like a help in this regard. My form…
viewsProblem with the include
So I’m having trouble making the include. I have performed this same method several times to address the file that is in the controller folder, but now it is not working. What can be? include_once…
viewsRedirect user to public folder and restrict access to project root files
I am making use of a MVC structure with PHP and, for security purposes, my index.php file that loads the configuration files and gives the bootstrap in the project is inside the folder public/.…
viewsI need to show all day sales MVC C#
Through an input the user enters the date and so list all the respective products of that day public void Buscar(Lancamento lancamento) { string sql = string.Format("SELECT DataHora FROM…
viewsJavascript with async-await
I am using async-await in the SQL query function in the Model and I use the MVC standard. The problem is that when executing the function (select SQL) in the model it is executed but the return is:…
viewsPHP MVC error, everything is working but there is this error message on the site
Notice: Undefined index: ok in C: xampp htdocs Olimpiada controller Controleusuario.php on line 17…
viewsinsert background image in mvc application
Good morning as I leave a background image in my application that is in mvc, I saw some examples that is in the Content folder but when opening the page does not run in the background, thanks
viewsAspnet core MVC - CRUD logic in the Controller, Model or Service
I came across a question, I have a very simple project here with three entities, being they Teacher, Student and Class. I created the classes at Model. Example namespace coreSchoolSimple.Models {…
viewsImplementation of the Java Mysql MVC model
In my model I am accessing Clientedo by the controller of my model Customer as seen in the example below. I would like to know if this practice is correct for the mvc model, since both classes…
viewsJava class with float and int
I am developing an MVC project with Java for web using eclipse. In the table database product is like this create table Produto ( Idproduto int identity primary key, Nome varchar(40), Preco…