Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsProcess on the server and return in a PHP Input
Hello, I’m making a calculator on PHP and HTML, and I wanted that when the user pressed in Ubmit, be calculated on the server, and the result returned in the result Input, if you did not understand,…
viewsMake PHP calculations
I am with some doubt regarding some calculations, I made the following table using html and php, what I intend now is that the result calculates me percentages. That is, if the target is equal to…
viewsInput is "Cutting" what comes after space with PHP
I have a registration change screen. The information that will be changed I bring to an input field, allowing the user to move if necessary. however, a problem occurs if the word is separated by…
viewsHow to send an email without finalizing the form
I wanted to know if there’s any way I can fire an email without calling my form’s action, because it has 4 steps, and in the process from step 1 to step 2 I want to email the fields that have been…
viewsHow to create a cool color input?
I was creating a form where the person would have the option to choose a color, as I didn’t want the person to write the color or because I thought it was cool to put an input of type color…
viewsSearch a Input word in a TXT and find words that are in the same line in PHP
Example of TXT file: John;1 Peter;2 Marlon;3 Luke;4 etc.... By typing only the name in the Input I need that too the user ID appears, Example of Input: Marlon and when you type only name in Input,…
viewsHide something HTML (Text, Images)
I wonder if it is possible to hide an image/video in an HTML site but the image/video stays there, and if you click on the image/video it can be played in the image/video player As if the…
viewsHow to merge images and text to turn into a single photo?
Can someone tell me how to work the save button? I want to put for when press the "save userbar" button, save in an image all the content that is in the div "userbar". I tried using html2canvas but…
viewsanchorage within select option
Is it possible? I have tried through A and option value but I need value with the information I pull from the bank if not the form doesn’t work there is a way to place anchorage in select option???…
viewsHow do I wipe the memory to avoid overloading?
As you read the HTML of the site, go deleting what is before. If there is any clear screen in Python. import mechanize response = mechanize.urlopen("") m = 0 linha = '' if (m…
viewsManipulating audio properties in HTML/JS
My teacher passed a project to make an audio player, and for that I was inspired by Rdio Music, then in my player I was planning when opening an audio he load the image (corresponding to the album…
viewsHow to get an html element value via Javascript
I want to get the value "13" present in this li class.…
viewsAid in web development
Hello, everybody! I am learning how to develop websites and would like a help, on the website of the editor I use, Tom, has an "animation" that I found fantastic. Follow the website link:…
viewshtml attribute that when clicking on the text the checkbox option is selected
Good afternoon, I wonder if there is any attribute in HTML that the user click on the text of the option in checkbox, the field is selected, not needing to click well inside that small square. I…
viewsHow to open link in a specific part of a new tab
I want when the person clicks on a link to open a new tab in a specific part of the new tab.
viewsChange logo link from my wordpress blog
Good afternoon guys! , the situation is as follows, I have a site made in PHP with a CMS from another agency that made for my client. Now I’m managing his site, and he asked me for a blog. I…
viewsHow do I turn a class into a clickable text?
Here’s the class I wanted to turn into a clickable text <li class="content__container__list__item">Select a Language !</li> I hope someone tells me how I can do this!…
viewsSwitch to next input automatically
Fala galera! I have two inputs in the form and would like to know how I do so when the input1 were filled it automatically changed to the input2. These are the inputs, in case it has a limit of 5…
viewsSave form data
Guys, I’m new at this, I made an html form and I can’t save the data, how do I do that?
viewsHow do I make this list in the image
Well I’m learning html with css to input in php in the future but I’m having a hard time doing Div class with lists because it doesn’t apply the color etc... the color is in another file…
viewsSet title with echo in PHP
I’m having a problem with the CMS I’m creating. I want to set the site title using the php echo function, like this: <?php $ever = json_decode('../json/data.json'); $everthing =…
viewsSet the first page to be loaded by the browser
I’m building a CMS and I have 2 files: the index.php index.php (which is housed in the themes/original folder). You can make the browser load the index.php file (in the themes/original folder)…
viewsbody does not get the full page size
I’m making a site (ETEC work), my teacher asked to use only HTML and CSS, I’m beginner, everything was perfect until I decided to add more stuff on the site, it creates normal scrollbar but gets all…
viewsI can’t apply CSS to input button
My code is this: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para comprar" class="splashywaves-effect splashywaves-light splashybtn"…
viewsWhat is the operator for?
var n = prompt("Digite um numero"); if(n & 1){ alert("Impar"); } else { alert("Par"); } alert(n); This code block is very simple, but the focus is on this operator &. What’s he good for? and…
viewsHow to position a form to the right of the screen?
This image shows the form I want to position.(
htmlasked 5 years, 6 months ago Kaliel Saad 3 -
viewsProblems with bootstrap responsiveness
I’m developing a project, but I’m having problems with responsiveness issues, when the site changes to different screens like: mobile phones, tablets and other devices. It breaks all your layout,…
viewsmandatory use of a word in an html form
I have an input where the user writes a title, I need this title to have added (blog) to its end. example: my title (blog) or your blog title if it does not, I need to add this automatically or…
viewsHelp me write this code correctly
The following code is part of a php script that I’m developing, it works, but I feel like I’m writing a gambiarra because of the placement of the quotes and double quotes. Can you tell me if I can…
viewsMarking a checkbox as selected
I have a list of filters with checkbox on a page and wanted one of those selections to be marked as active by clicking on a banner that will be inside that page. Example: <img src=""…
viewsHow to make a div appear by clicking javascript button
Good afternoon, The goal was after clicking on the "check Dispanibility" button, a div already created but hidden (display: None), appeared. I was doing it through javascrip. I was doing with the…
viewsHow to remove the dot after the number in the marker?
How I remove these points in the marker that is displayed after the item number from an ordered list: <ol> <li>Lista 1</li> <li>Lista 2</li> <li>Lista…
htmlasked 4 years, 10 months ago felipe cardozo 275 -
viewsUndefined index with PHP
I’m having a problem with the following code: create-table.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta…
viewsjquery - capture content from all Divs with a set class
I have an agenda I want you to hide when every day of the week is closed. So I did this function that analyzes if the content of the day is Closed and if all 7 days have Closed it hides the agenda.…
viewsHow to align table in HTML?
Just doesn’t go along <Doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Revisão</title> <meta charset="utf8"/> </head> <body> <table aling="center"…
viewsHow to inhibit the effect of logo enhancement on mobile
I already thank the one who is willing to help me. First I understand the basics of html and css, and I’m setting up an online store with a template already ready, I’m just adding what I need and…
viewsChange color of partition
How can I change the color of a "hr partition" "" I tried the following codes in the CSS tab of the file: .hr{ color: #29303b; } hr{ color: #29303b; }…
viewsHow do I put a background image in CSS using PHP?
I’m trying to put a background image by css using PHP, which means the image I want to put in the background is inside the database. I open the php tags inside the background URL background-image:…
viewsHow do I create a vertical spacing between Ivs in css?
I have the following problem, I created a component of a button and I put it inside a div, I replicated bone for 3 buttons, I wanted to know if you have any property in css to give a vertical…
viewsReturn an array of 6 random numbers between 01 and 60
I’m trying to create random numbers (01 to 60) with 6 digits const valor = n => { var add = 1, max = 12 - add; if ( n > max ) { return valor(max) + valor(n - max); } max = Math.pow(10, n+add);…
viewsFieldset is inside another, how to tidy up?
I am making a form and put 4 fieldsets in it, 1° for Pessoa, 2° for Address, 3° for Medical Data and 4° for Extra Comments. It turns out that when I open it in Google Chrome, the 3° fieldset is…
viewsHow do I center vertically and horizontally on css?
Age calculation body{ text-align: center; justify-items: center; } </style> <h1>Calcular idade a partir da data de nascimento</h1> <h3>Digite a sua data de nascimento para…
viewsI can’t display all db - PHP and MYSQLI results
Oops, well I’m not being able to display all the data in my database. I don’t know why it’s because (maybe) there’s nothing wrong with my code My code <?php $host = ''; $user = ''; $pass = '';…
viewslocal network audio and html playback
I need to know how to make a script that captures audio from one page and transmits that same audio on another page at the same time with minimum possible delay all this on a site hosted on a local…
viewshow to create a check button in Java script
People need a code that the user finish the course appears a Sticker showing that completed
viewsFolder organization... Which is the most organized?
The question is simple, just so I know what you prefer... Create "img" or "Assets/img"? Create "fonts" or "Assets/fonts"? Create "css" or "Assets/css"? And so there are other examples... I’m trying…
viewsError inserting Angular data using $ then
I cannot insert the data into mysql using Angularjs. The data is not sent to the Insert.php file. I believe there is an error $ that I am not aware of! Any suggestions ? System:…
viewsRemove group of Divs "Clones" in jquery
I have a group of Divs that can be cloned in jquery, I need that by clicking "in the image of the recycle bin with the delete id" removes the cloned Divs when clicked... Follows the code..…
viewsHow to make the menu work in bootstrap responsive mode
Here is the code placed for when resize the browser to be able to appear the responsive site as the menu does not appear when clicking does nothing <div class="col-md-12"> <div…
htmlasked 7 years, 3 months ago Irka Carvalho 1 -
viewsParse error: syntax error, Unexpected end of file in
I’m having an error in this part... I don’t know what it might be <?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comentarios where ativo='sim' order by id DESC"); while($linha = mysql_fetch_array($sql…