Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsI need urgent help, I couldn’t interpret this activity and I can’t fix the code
My teacher gave me a PHP lesson and I swear I understood practically nothing, ask him for help is out of the question mainly because he is very ignorant and does not like when other students ask any…
viewsSlider with problems. It does not work two lines
I’m using the "Slider Syncing" by SLICK SLIDER (here to make a slide that when you click, appears more information of it. For example, if I click on the first…
viewsHow do I display in columns instead of a grid ? preference inside the <div> tag
{ && Object .keys( .map(cli => { return( <tr key={cli}> <td>{[cli].nome}</td> …
viewsUncaught Typeerror: cannot read Property 'value' of null
This is a small project to train(it recommends series according to the data) and gives the following error in value by clicking 'ok'': Uncaught TypeError: cannot read property 'value' of null html…
viewsPHP does not identify html
When I try to open the php file the following errors appear: Notice: Undefined index: name in D: Xampp htdocs web2 php conexao.php on line 14 Notice: Undefined index: email in D: Xampp htdocs web2…
viewsHow to put elements in the same line?
I’m trying to put some text and some small images on the same line, and leave the whole block centered on the screen. I’ve tried to use float:left in everything, and stays in the same line, but then…
viewsSlides form a vertical list
I put the slides in a Carousel, but I still haven’t identified the problem of them staying upright and not side by side .gallery .control-button { color: #ccc; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); }…
viewsProblem picking up a specific button ID
I’m trying to catch a button for ID and return the value of it. As much as Ids have different names, they always return the same value. I’ll leave an example of the HTML code. <div…
viewsWhat code to use for my HTML site logo to be on the same menu line
I’m trying to make the image I put, in case the logo, stay in the upper left corner of the HTML page, and the right side the main menu, without any kind of space between them. But when I insert the…
viewsDynamically save . html file with Javascript
I am creating a code editor (Javascript and HTML with iframe) where I need to save a file .html dynamically with Javascript. How can I do this? <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT…
viewsHow to redirect with Value and use Option text for Select Input?
I have a difficulty in Select which is to use Value to complement a link and Select to Input. This is the Select code, as you can see I used Onchange to bring Value to the link: <select…
viewsWhy doesn’t my modal show up?
<body> <div class="content"> <div class="modal" tabindex="-1"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div…
viewsDropdown Menu Bootstrap bug when clicked
I have implemented a basic dropdown (bootstrap) menu on my website. It works normally when clicked at the beginning of the page, however, if I scroll down a little and go back to the top of the…
viewsAdd sequential ID to DIV and then hide
I have to manipulate some fields without having access to form. When I am hiding the input fields, you are setting the lines of the div, causing form stay with holes between the lines. My idea would…
viewsHow to change colors dynamically with Javascript and pure CSS?
My goal is to create dynamic themes where I can change the colors of the classes with js, for example after a request in the database. The example I’ll give is, a class that defines the primary…
viewsCan someone help me with the slide show?
People appreciate if anyone can help me, I’m starting the course now and I don’t have much experience yet. I’m doing a job and I have a slide with three images that need to run as carousel and with…
viewsHow do I make a DIV appear when positioning the mouse on top of an img?
I’m having difficulty making a menu on the site I’m mounting, I want when the user positions the mouse pointer on top of the image in the upper left corner, open a menu at the same location where…
viewsHow to convert an HTML to text using Javascript
I’m having a little doubt if there’s any way to do this: Code function escrever() { var text = document.getElementById("text").value; var paragrafo = document.getElementById("modal-body").innerHTML;…
viewsExchange text from the title element with html and javascript
I have the following title: <h1>LANÇAMENTO: <span class="verde">PS5</span> E <span class="verde">XBOX SERIE S</span></h1> In css I change the color of the span…
viewsI cannot place the logos on the right side of the screen, next to the title, they are below the div on the right side
html <h2>WANTED</h2> <div class=""> </div><!--menu principal--> </div><!--header-1--> </div><!--logo--> <div class="redes-sociais">…
viewsHow to use the same Script several times on a single page?
I have to use the same Script several times throughout the construction of the page, but I’m only able to use it once, when I try repeat the script structure in another slider it does not alter the…
viewsData editing in PHP
Hello, I have a problem in my code that I did not find the problem. When trying to edit the ID 1750 it runs but saved in ID 0, I wonder if my code has any error in this sense, why by clicking edit…
viewsScroll a div automatically using CSS overflow
I made a type of typeWrite(typewriter), with html css and javascript. I put an overflow: scroll on my div where when she breaks the line I wanted the scroll to kind of accompany the content ,without…
viewsphp login giving user nonexistent
I created a login system with php and mysql but I can’t log in even though I’m sure the data has been registered successfully. I don’t know what I did wrong. Look at the code: <?php $login2 =…
viewsfix the menu at the top of the page
I have a header with my logo on top and just below the menu. I would like the scrolling page, the menu to go to the top, and the header to disappear. html header: <header class="cabecalho">…
viewsDisplay warning message when typing numeric value
I have a form that receives a single value. When the user enters the value 100.000 (hundred thousand) for example, I want it to load a warning message just below the input. "Value below permitted…
viewsScript does not obey the loop in button view
I am making a simple program, however I am with an error at the time of displaying the information, the following occurs, after generating the loop I click on one of the buttons, and regardless of…
viewsI can’t center text - CSS
I need to center the header text, I’ve tried several ways and it doesn’t work. Does anyone know where the bug is?? * { margin: 0%; padding: 0%; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Poppins',…
viewsBootstrap conflicts with my css. How to do hr with middle text
I’m trying to use this to make a horizontal line with a word in the middle, but the bootstrap won’t let me use it, it disappears with the line (I took the bootstrap link that is in the head to test…
viewsHow do I increase fade time in without slowing down?
is that Fadeinout only has 10s how can I make it longer sla about 25s without slowing down? I suspect it’s changing Fadeinout for another, but I don’t know which function…
viewsHow to take selected value from Dropdown Menu and insert into a PHP variable?
I have the following dropdown menus on my website: <div class="dropdown"> <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xl-12 col-xxl-12"…
viewsRegressive time catching date of another variant
I would like to obtain a variant that, I use in my shop.. For example, I can add a variation of clothing colors, in this case, it would be the time variant and set a date, such as "August 29, 2021…
viewsdo a submenu - example on a site below
I’d like to adapt my code to create a submenu like this one : for example in "Categories" - "css" then another side…
viewsBecause sometimes, when you add images to a page, if you mouse over it, does it move?
Because sometimes when we add some images on a page, some move and others don’t? That’s a problem browsers? Or the problem must be in the CSS? Why "damn" when you mouse over the image it moves? SEE…
viewsWordpress or Site made without CMS?
Wanted to be is better to make a site for Wordpress or do it without CMS, because I am creating a news site about technology and etc. Whether it is easier to use Wordpress or the common site without…
viewsHtml css text alignment
How to adapt a text over a photo, where it will start at the bottom of the photo or div and rise as the size? example below:…
viewsChange of logo with CSS3
I need a CSS3 code to automatically switch 20 logos with fade, without the previous logo appearing on the back. But I have no idea how to do it! Someone can help me? (If someone answered the last…
viewse-mail sending with bootstrap
I saw the comment below on a post, I wonder if you had this script to send email by bootstrap, I could not locate on the site of the same. "I recommend using the very script provided by bootstrap..…
viewsHow to make HTML/CSS code clean and optimized?
Wanted tips to apply in my learning. I am a beginner and always hear talk of clean code.
viewsFill list from an input
I have a input that after being filled and pressed Enter, she creates a list with checkbox's. The problem is that when it is populated again, it edits the already created list item and I want to…
viewsBecause this HTML tag does not show the link, only when I shoot the style="display: None;"
I’m doing a tour in my administrative area, but it doesn’t work when I send it to the server. In the boy’s GIT project on the site where I downloaded it works perfectly The tag is this: <a…
htmlasked 8 years, 4 months ago Natan Melo 656 -
viewsHow is this Hover effect done?
It’s the little colored ribbon that expands...…
viewsHow can I do the foreach correctly
Good morning, how can I do this foreach correctly, because I’m not getting to do UPDATE in the tables dependent, dependent, dependent, date-dependent, planodependent, accommodating, codependent and…
viewsphp Fatal error: Cannot use Object PHPMAILER of type as array
I’m having trouble sending an email. Code <?php #inclui a classe PHPMAILER include("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); //pasta em que a classe se encontra #instancia o objeto $mail = new…
viewsNewcomer to Waze. How can I insert on my website?
I have a website and need to insert a map of the Waze api. How do I? Code <?php //exibir o Mapa ?> <style> .exibirpainel{ margin-top: 0px; height: 400px; width: 700px; background-color:…
viewsWould you like to take an element of a page, through its "coordinates"?
I would like your help, because I was asked to develop an extension for google Chrome, which takes a certain value of a given page, but I do not have much knowledge in programming with javascript,…
viewsCheck if html page exists HTML/Javascript
How do I when clicking the link automatically checks if the page is online? No php.
viewsshow html page in php
I am making a code in php, after this code perform its action I would like to show another page in html ex: echo " <a href= 'main.html' > "; then the page would appear <main.html>. But I…
views2 INPUT in 1 field only
I have a form that is provided by the bank to generate a banking bill. I need to split the "name" field in two in my html form. I need to get the NAME of the client and also the NUMBER of his…