Most voted "android" questions
Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. Use this tag to reference questions related to programming for Android and be relevant only to this operating system. Use the [android-subject] tag instead of [subject] alone.
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viewsHow to use the Clipboard to copy and paste
How to use the clipboar android, to copy a text from a textView, I need to copy this text and use to paste elsewhere.
viewsHow to calculate the time difference?
` package layout; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import…
viewsRun a function from a class
I wonder if there is possibility to perform a certain function only when the Activity is called by another determined Activity specific. for example: Activity A called the Activity B, in this case…
viewsHow to create a standard typing format in an Android Studio form?
Type: abc@def Must have a (@) in the middle between the seven characters typed.
viewsHow do I take the content of a text that is on the link (URL) and upload it to Textview?
I need a way to load through a URL a text that is in it. The text is large, and this way the application would be lighter. I want to set the text that is downloaded from this link in a TextView.…
viewsHow to resolve Nullpointerexception error in android studio 2.3?
I am with android studio 2.3, and since I updated it has been giving this error: would like to know how to revolve this. Android studio is not affected...continues working normal, but this is very…
viewsCordova Recover Phone Number and IMEI Android and iOS
I need to get my phone number back and I got it with Cordova, I tried some plugins but on my device that I am testing did not work any my device is dual yes and android 7.1 there is some way to…
viewsHow to use custom buttons?
I would like to know how to put buttons more "attractive" (edit your aesthetic) in the app and also how to add fonts?
viewsCreate an exception on purpose
I can create an exception by dividing a value by 0 in this way: try { int res = 100/0; } catch (Exception e){,"Test Exception"); } But I don’t know if it would be the most viable way.…
viewsHow do I boost code on android?
I will make a calculator that needs potentiation, someone can tell me how it is done on android?
viewsWhy are my I.mportsscrewing up?
After a few days I opened the project, today I returned to work but when I opened the project I noticed that there was something wrong because all the classes I open indicate error by IDE, errors…
viewsWhat technology to use to develop a Webservices for Android
I’m starting in the Android world and identified that for the application I’m designing I will have to follow a Webservices architecture using a database on Cloud platform. The database I’ve already…
viewsXamarin Visual Studio
Installed Visual Studio with Xamarin, Android SDK, etc. When I compile the project it opens the Android AVD, but the Android System does not load, it is only a black screen.
viewsAndroid Development
What are the disadvantages of using Eclipse instead of Android Studio in the development of an Android application? I want to start developing my App, but because I have a very limited Hardware I…
viewsCannot resolve method getcontext() or getItem()
Hi, Trying to pass the data of an Arraylist, but error appears in the methods…
viewsHow to put Interstitialad in the app?
How do I put that ad that occupies the entire screen in my app, and it only closes when the person clicks on X?
viewsI am unable to list my Sqlite data
Good evening, I’m creating an application for financial control, and I’m testing the database, making it show me the data to see if the event Insert is working. When you open Activity that shows the…
viewsVoice command that triggers a button in the Android app
I am beginner in Android and I made a structure for Speech to text, I would like to know how to trigger a button inside the application using this function.
viewsA simple doubt
Hello guys I just downloaded an android booklet and I’m doubtful about an exercise I will post the pictures of how you are in the booklet and how I did and I would like someone to explain to me why…
androidasked 8 years, 8 months ago Vinicius Clemente 365 -
viewsandroid - Unit testing and UI testing
Good morning friends, lately I have seen some videos and blogs on the subject, and wanted to know who usually works with tests if it is really worth using tests on Android dev. And if so, which…
viewsWould it be possible to make a project in html, css, js, and run on a native like android?
I wonder if it is possible to create a project in html, css and js, and run in a native. If possible, which platform to use? (Obs. Simple design, simple costs:) ).
viewsError while using android in eclipse
I’m starting to learn to program with android and right away I came across this mistake, what to do? Displays this error in the console: [2016-03-25 18:09:34 - TransicaoEntreTelas] Found 2 versions…
viewsSave an Arraylist<> to an SQLITE table
Speaks Galera, I’m wanting to save an array list in a table in SQLITE, can I do it? If yes, how? This is my table: db.execSQL("create table amc (_id integer primary key autoincrement,tipo text not…
viewsTake Prefab position and compare with other Prefab within a grid? Unity 3D
I’m developing a tetris-style game, but focused on chemistry. Instead of missing a complete line and scoring, the user needs to form a molecule. For this, each element (H and C) is a different…
viewsWhy does that line of code make me wrong?
This line of code gives me error in sentence SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY and stops me from making the database. Because this is happening? SQLiteDatabase…
viewsFormat Int Variable in R$ currency on Android
I use Maskformatter lib to format Edittext fields. But now I’m getting a value of an int variable and wanted to format it in the value of currency R$. Example: in the variable containing 1000…
viewsUsing standard input and output on Android
When I learned to program in Java I used the standard input and output (stdin and stdout) a lot. Now that I’m curious to learn what I can do on Android, I wanted to know if for practicality I can do…
viewsUse 3D Blender to create games for Android
Good, someone knows if it is possible to use Blender 3D to create games for Android, and program them through Android Studio?
viewsAndroid Animation hide and reveal text
Good afternoon guys I am basic android dev,I need the name of the application that appears in my splash,keep appearing and disappearing as it happens in the initial splash of facebook,In this…
viewsDirect information exchange between Android and Desktop
Folks I would like to know if it is possible for me to develop an app that communicates directly with another application I developed on the computer, without the need for a server or webservice for…
viewsWhat is the best way to download files and save them to different folders within the android Assets?
What is the best way to download pdf files and save them to different folders within Android Assets folder? For example, in folder A I will have 10 specific files, in folder B 20 specific files, so…
viewsHow to use an image in android application that is saved on a web server?
I have an android application that selects an image of Sdcard and sends it to a php webservice that saves the image on a server and writes the image path to the database (Mysql). What I wanted to do…
viewsI can’t send email using android studio
I am making a form that will be sent by email, I have already created the email of gmail to use in the application, I have imported the necessary libraries, added permissions in Manifest, the code…
androidasked 8 years, 6 months ago Carlos Diego 683 -
viewsDoubt to create dialog box in android studio
Good afternoon! I’m having a doubt on android where I’m creating an app to evaluate the user’s mood . I create the code in such a way that I accept only one option per day Only now I need to include…
androidasked 8 years, 5 months ago José Grigorini 13 -
viewsHow to Set a Home Screen Fragment for Android App
I created an APP with a drawer menu, that menu drawable that appears as a template when creating a project in Android Studio. I managed to create the fragments and relate to the menu, is working…
android android-layout android-fragment android-activityasked 7 years, 2 months ago Thyago Dias 465 -
viewsUpload an image when opening the app on Android
I need the moment I open my Android app to charge the logo and then appear the Home. Someone has the code to do?
viewsAndroid emulator
When I run the application my emulator does not show the components to test:…
viewsHow to create an indoor map with the google maps api?
I have a project where I want to create a map of a public facility, like an institute. The idea is to open the plan of the federal institute in an Activity, on Android. As the airport of Guarulhos…
viewsBlock android features
Is there any simple way to block Android features? For example, remove Google Play, block the installation and removal of apps?
androidasked 7 years, 1 month ago Amanda Lima 3,428 -
viewsFile location txt Android ndk / C++
I made a c++ code to create a file: I’ve already given the manifest permission to read and record: My question is:???…
viewsAid to create the first android project
Hello. I can’t create the project to start the android study. Follow a screenshot of the project creation on the sendspace link. Please see and tell me what I’m missing.…
androidasked 8 years, 5 months ago André Nascimento 1,258 -
viewsopen external webview link
I have a webview app that is made 100% of webview, but I want to open some links outside the app, for example, the links that start with Intent, in case I want to put a button on the site that opens…
viewsAsynchronous Call to a Restfull Webservice
I need to make a call to Webservice on Android, and with another class call it. At the end show on design the answer obtained by Ws. I already made the Webservice only that the part of…
viewsHow to pass Activity values to useful?
I would like to work with the item object but I need to pass values of my activity to the usel someone can explain me? item[0] = new ColorClothes(); item[0].record = 0; item[0].color = "blue";…
androidasked 8 years, 4 months ago Tiago Coelho 739 -
viewsJSON communication between domains with Cordova
I need the application to communicate with a server via JSON to log in. How to do? Obs: Just a simple communication via JSON using Cordova, where the answer was very enlightening.…
jquery android apache-cordova mobile cordova-pluginasked 6 years, 12 months ago Anderson Brunel Modolon 1,111 -
viewsRecyclerview reuse of View
I’m Implementing a RecyclerView as follows: class ObjAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ObjetoHolder>{ private RealmResults<Objeto> objetos; private final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new…
android android-adapter android-recyclerviewasked 8 years, 4 months ago Thiago Luiz Domacoski 7,310 -
viewsAndroid Application and Mysql Database
I have an application developed on Android and need to connect to a Mysql database that is local on a Desktop. I can easily get the IP address of the machine where the bank is. How can I connect the…
viewsCompile app for Ios made in React in windows environment
I’m studying React Activate and I need to compile an app for android and Ios. I wonder if I can develop everything in windows environment and then just copy the files to a virtual machine running OS…
viewsHow to get "currentLocation" inside a webview
I have an app that runs a webview and within that webview has an option to get the current location of the user, which for some reason (which I don’t know) works perfectly on the site on desktop…
viewsButton that calls another screen and another button on the new screen that goes back to the old screen
How can I make a button that calls another screen, and on the other screen have a button that when you click, goes back to the home screen?
androidasked 6 years, 11 months ago user92401