Most voted "android" questions
Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. Use this tag to reference questions related to programming for Android and be relevant only to this operating system. Use the [android-subject] tag instead of [subject] alone.
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viewsPosition the text in the center
I have this Textview: would like the text to be centered vertically and horizontally in relation to the black area, which is the background of Textview itself, which defined the height of 100dp,…
viewsHow to check if the field is filled in
I have some Edittext that must be filled. The button that checks if it is filled is an imagebutton in actionbar. I tried to do it in a way but it didn’t work. the mistake is…
viewsDatabinding error in Android Studio 2.1.2: package databinding does not exist
I am trying to learn databinding and there is a strange error when I try to build: Error:(8, 54) error: package does not exist My Build.Radle looks…
viewsSend a message via Whatsapp to a specific contact
I’m trying to send a text message via Whatsapp to a previously selected number. The contact chat opens, but the message contained in Extras does not appear in the text box. See: var uri =…
viewsWhite screen on app startup - Splash Screen
I created a home screen for my application using an empty activity that is visible for 3 seconds with a background image. Usually, the app starts with a white screen before the background image…
viewsWebview + videoview open HTML videos and play in videoview
Look friends I’m new on Android platform But I wanted a simple example of how to open an HTML with video links and play them directly in my app’s video view I am grateful to whom you want example to…
viewsBluetooth communication between android and Arduino for interaction with grbl
How to do Android then connect with Arduino via a Bluetooth module for O Arduino receive data. I just need to understand the part of Android would be a Bluetooth Serial. I found this code on…
viewsConfigure JDK in Android Studio
I need to configure the JDK path in Android Studio via terminal without root access to a script. The computer has JDK/JRE 7, I tried to change the value of some variables: PATH, JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME,…
viewsHow to keep Textview centralized in the emulator?
I’m a beginner in development and I started learning how to develop for Android with Android Studio 3.1.1. In one of the exercises I am doing, it is necessary to recover which checkbox was checked…
viewsAndroid Studio Doesn’t Recognize Gradle Libraries
I took a project that has several external dependencies, like facebook lib, even some of the android support itself. The design compiles normally and runs perfectly on the device. The problem is…
viewsOndestroy android studio
Whenever gave an error in android code should not call onDestroy? For what I have seen here it calls onDestroy only when it is used when using Finish().. correct? In case an error occurs wanted to…
androidasked 6 years, 6 months ago Anderson Scherdovski 85 -
viewsRecover data from pointer type
I have the table in the Parser database, which is called Comentario. Inside it I have the comment field and a field called "pointer" pointer that points to the objectId of another table called…
viewsError - Binary XML file line #30: Binary XML file line #30: Error inflating class Fragment
I have an Fragment...class in which I am inflating an xml file. This Fragment is being called in Mainactivity...but when executed this error appears java.lang.Runtimeexception: Unable to start…
viewsHow to make a PDF file in my APP’s Assets open by the android’s native PDF reader?
I have an APP that needs to open some PDF files (laws) that should come along with the application. The idea is to call an Intent to open these PDF files by Android’s own native PDF reader or a PDF…
viewsHow to use the same Drawer Navigation menu on multiple Activitys without repeating code?
How to use the same menu Drawer Navigation in several activitys without repeating code?
viewsAndroid Firemonkey virtual keyboard repeating words
We have an Android app that is experiencing typing problems after sending a message. The problem happens when we try to insert a new message, after typing the first character, Tmemo automatically…
viewsAndroid List View with "Complex" Layout
Until today I had not needed to use layouts that escape the pattern of a list for example. This time, I need to create a list view with a sort of header. For example: [{categorias: [{1, 2,…
viewsSending mobile information to the web
Good morning my dear! I want to collect some data and send some information from Mobile (Android) to a website I am developing with (Python+Django). However I do not know the name of this cell phone…
viewsjava.lang.Runtimeexception: Unable to start Activity Componentinfo {...}: java.lang.Nullpointerexception
I’m trying to rewind facebook data and I’m getting this error. Logcat 10-24 00:46:41.230 7526-7526/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:, PID: 7526…
viewsAndroid class to trigger events, Batch Routine?
I need a class that, from time to time, tries to cross-reference database data and depending on the result send a notification to the user or modify/include database information. I don’t know if…
viewsDownload photo URL without file name
I use to download files and photos the Glide or the Retrofit but had never come across the need I’m having now. The url is type the number is the user id and…
viewsConvert Double to Integer
I would like that in the TextView where the value of "trees to restore" appears without a point or zeros. In the situation below appears "180.0000000" and should appear "180". Is he the type Double,…
views -
viewsBest practice to call a new screen
I have a Activity containing a RecyclerView, by clicking on it opens a Dialog with the selected item information. And in that Activity has a FloatingActionButton, I want you to call a registration…
views(Android studio) How to get a user id from their email in Realtime Database (Firebase)
I would like to know how I can get an id of my database in firebase by email. For example I have the email [email protected] and would like to get his id just by email. It is possible?
viewsAndroid change the color of a button for 1second
I have an array that contains integer numbers from 0 to 4. {1,4,0,3,2} need a button to blink a certain color according to the sequence. How this is done ?
viewsDetect the mobile operating system and redirect to a specific page
Good afternoon guys, all right? , I would like someone to guide me on something, I’m trying to implement on a website, a button where depending on the operating system, it redirects to a website.…
viewsPosts Firebase in English
I made the registration of users by Firebase and after the registration is sent to the email to the user validate access. However, Firebase messages are in English. There is the possibility to stay…
viewsDelete a log from firebase auth
I need to delete a record from Firebase Auth, I am using the following code: FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); user.delete().addOnCompleteListener(new…
viewsSqlite giving "near "CREATE" error: syntax error (code 1):"
Does anyone know what’s wrong to be making that mistake? I/System.out: ERRO 1 :android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "CREATE": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: CREATE TABLE…
viewsDoubt about images on Android
images should be in the drawable or mipmap folder in my Android project? I’ve been using the mipmap folder. There is some difference in using these folders in an Android project?
viewsPush notification in hybrid app
I’m creating a hybrid Android app, which is actually a webview running a system, hosted on some server, made in php. I need to deploy a notification system (Push Notification) that sends…
viewsRun python script on android via one-click file extraction
Talk to me guys, How do I convert a script made in python to run on android? My script is very simple, only to extract a file that will always stay in the same place, do not need a graphical…
viewsHow to pass a search parameter in the retrofit with Kotlin?
I am trying to use the Retrofit library to make HTTP requests for the API: API Star War, with the Kotlin language, however I don’t know how to correctly pass a search parameter to an API function.…
viewsHow to get values from a Textview of another Activity?
I would like to get the email that was typed on the login screen and with this value pass to another Activity.
viewsAndroid task flow app?
You can create an application that does a "path" for the user? For example, when running the application it calls an Intent pro user set the time and the application "waits" the user events to go to…
viewsType of Android kernel
The Android operating system developed by Google is a monolithic kernel or microkernel?
viewsImplement a Layout in Android Studio
I want to implement a layout like this in Android Studio, I searched already in Google, but I did not know to refer to this type of bar I want to do, then I made this image. I think it is quite self…
viewsCapture images simultaneously on two USB cameras at regular intervals on Android
Hello I would like some tips on how to develop on Android an application for capturing simultaneous photos at regular intervals, from two USB cameras (MJPEG M12 Lens AR0330 Dual Stereo Micro Mini…
viewsError in Java database
Hello, I "created" an application with user registration and login, after the login screen that comes the problem, the system to log in is working, started to give problem after I created a screen…
java android android-studio sqlite android-recyclerviewasked 5 years, 7 months ago Gabriel Delfino 51 -
viewsGet multiple edittext results in a Recyclerview
I have a recyclerview, being that I am creating for each item in the list, an Edittext(via XML). Since the purpose of that edittext is to be filled with the amount of ITEMS that is desired. Soon…
viewsEdittext via Java
Hello, I am developing a custom view and would like to know how it would be possible to add an Edittext via Java (without using xml, and without referencing the R class because it would be via java…
viewsHow to delete an external library
How do I delete external libraries that generate version 28 incompatibility. It already deletes manually in the directory. idea/Ibraries and also clicked on them and had them deleted in both cases…
viewsProblems with cast in Reflection
Good afternoon. I’m new to using the java Reflection API. I’m having the following problem, when trying to create a generic Dao class to be used in a CRUD for sqlite on android, I can’t cast a field…
viewsIONIC and Cordova build error
Well, I searched everywhere and could not find the solution. I give the command "Ionic Cordova build android" and appears this error below. Taking that I have already created the "Plataform" however…
answer756 Connection reset
I have a web service that validates the users of the application that runs on Android. In positive case the system returns a JSON with the information that is ok and to which database that user has…
viewsI’m finding it very complicated to fix the layout in xml
I want to make a simple menu. But it gets all crooked Why do I do? Someone gives me tips? I’m new to android. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout…
viewsHow to load a Combobox in Firemonkey for Android
I have an Edit and next to it a Combobox. The idea is that Edit displays the registration id and combo the description. And when changing the combo option also change the id on Edit. In the VCL to…
viewsExport data from a listview to PDF
Hey there, guys! What do I need to export data from a listview on android to a PDF document? I would like to write a PDF file with all the data contained in listview.
viewsHow to access a field (value) of a JSON
I got a problem, I got this JSON…