Most voted "ajax" questions
AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a technique for creating interactive websites uniformly through asynchronous data exchange between client and server. AJAX facilitates server communication or partial page updates without a traditional page update.
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viewsquery result without refresh JS
Aloha, when the client enters my application he will see a form for scheduling, is there any way to pass the information without giving refresh? when the customer selects the day, shows the opening…
viewsError while trying to display error/success messages and page continues to reload with ajax
Hello, I am developing a "soon" page, where I have the functionality of registering email. I made this feature with ajax and php, using the database mysql, and I’m facing 2 problems. When typing the…
viewsSending Ajax Information to Controller
Good morning guys, all beauty? I am making an application where my select will operate what will appear on my page. I am using Codeigniter, so the choice of select goes to a controller. I need my…
viewsHow to give the post via ajax
I’m having trouble sending an email through a website. The structure that is is as follows: User fills the information in the form and I have a javascript that will give a post via ajax this ajax…
viewsHow to get the form data without using Submit?
So I have a question here. I needed to take the data related to a form and send to my Ajax automatically (in a structured way), without pressing any Ubmit button or using an onClick function. I…
viewsBD data via AJAX
I have a client bank with ID, NAME, CPF and ADDRESS. I need to retrieve this data via AJAX separately. But I’m not sure how to separate the response data, the script is sending all as a single…
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viewsAdd table with AJAX
Good morning I need help in this script. That when selecting an option in select is placed dynamically data in the table. But I don’t know how to return the html tags to the source page. On the…
viewsMy ajax request does not work when I put it on the web route, only in the api
Routes: //Rotas para clientes Route::get('/cliente','ControllerCliente@indexview'); Route::resource('/clientes','ControllerCliente'); Controller: public function store(Request $request) { //Função…
viewsAjax + Codeigniter returning "error"
so I’m trying to perform a request in Ajax to save a registration but it’s not working. I’m using Codeigniter. Every time I try to send the Form ajax is returning me the error I don’t know where the…
viewsPass values via Ajax to ASP.NET MVC Controller
I want to pass values via ajax of a text field on my screen for my action, I am doing as follows: $('#Regra').change(function () { if ($(this).val().trim != '') { var regra = $('#Regra').val(); var…
viewsYou are not passing JS variable value to PHP via ajax
Javascript $('#save-update').data('eventId',; $('#delete-update').click(function (info) { info.preventDefault(); let eventID = $('#save-update').data('eventId'); $.ajax({ type:…
viewsPass the value of 2 <select> using jQuery
I have a option select that when selecting an option it goes in BD and returns the value to another option select, works perfectly. index with the option select: <?php require './conexao.php';…
viewsJs Chart does not work,saying variable has not been declared
Good personal night, when executing the code below it says: "Uncaught Referenceerror: Chart is not defined" I have tried several modes, however that seemed the most logical. I would like help with…
viewsAjax requisition
Hello, I have an Ajax code that I don’t understand what’s going on if anyone can help ... I’m not getting, url); what URL does it set? I have this code and it’s working but I copied…
viewsList database data with json/ajax including with createelement
Hello! I am listing the user data of my data group travels json/ajax, the data is captured and arrive in my request file "usuarios.php" but are not being listed. The code was even working normal,…
viewsFlask ajax html communication
I would like a help with a Python application using the Flask framework, I want to send data to html ,and then show this data in a table. the function of flask : @myapp.route('/treino',…
viewsProblem displaying dynamic image with Thymeleaf
I have an application, where the user can store the profile photo. Save the image in C:/imgPerfil/ concatenating the user id with the original image name. Example: "2test.jpeg". I need to show this…
viewsFill array table
Hello, I’m developing a web project but I can’t get the desired result. I have a php file that returns me an array of vehicles and my Index calls this file to get this array through ajax. When…
viewsRun Javascript after AJAX call
Hello, I am loading a page into a div through AJAX, so that the data can be loaded without the need to reload the page. However, I noticed that the javascript that is on this loaded page is not…
viewsAjax function running multiple times even being called only once
Hello, I’m having the following problem: I have a modal that should make the inclusion of a form in the database. The Submit button calls a Javascript/Ajax function, which in turn calls a php page…
viewsI’m trying to upload a file with ajax but I’m not getting: "Undefined index: file in"
Form: <form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="arquivo" multiple/> <br> <br> <input type="submit" id="linkTest" value="Consultar">…
viewsChange select field as registry without modifying list
Ola, I am making a form for creating/changing an order and have a list of items via <select> where you take the data via PHP/Mysql. When I fill in an existing order number I can make the value…
viewsInput AJAX parameters
I’m starting to learn AJAX and I’m having a simple doubt. I want to pass the value of an input but I’m having a mistake when performing the test. The Code is very simple so I will paste it complete.…
viewsTable loaded by javascript passing tags
I have a table which is loaded via ajax, in this way: $.each(data.listaNSerie, function (i, item) { $("#tableNSerie").append("<tr>" + "<td>" + item.produto.codigo + "</td>" +…
viewsHow to recover object ID in Jquery table row
Guys, here’s the thing, I get the database data and I set up a table with all this, I need in each line to store the value of the client id coming from the bank too so later I can delete, change…
viewsWhy is the Json_encode() PHP function not returning data in Json format?
Good Morning. After 2 full days researching I post my question: Why does the command echo json_encode($a); is returning an HTML page ? It is a registration where I have 1 foreign key, but the user…
viewsAJAX + PHP, Value received (date) put in html
It is giving undefined result, because I do not know how to put the value of $Validator[messages] (PHP) in the result of AJAX... I put it inside the html(.... " + data.messages + "...) but I don’t…
viewsAlign data tbody with theady
I have data consumed by an API to popular a table in html, they are coming OK, but I’m not able to make the alignment between theady and tbody that populate at runtime, you could help me? She’s…
viewsProblems to delete with ajax in Laravel 5.3
Controller public function deletar($id) { $dado = Todo::find($id)->delete(); return response()->json($dado); } Route Route::get('/deletar/{id}',['as'=>'todo.deletar',…
viewsSingle Import - AJAX / Javascript
Hello, On my page, when loading a JSON it should be integrated into the file. This works. What I wanted is for him to do this import only once, if not he loads the same array as many times as I…
viewsRecover JSON data via AJAX and PHP
Gentlemen, I’m setting up a system where he will consult an API and show the results within Divs. But I’m stopping this result, only by the console.log I’m not able to play inside the Divs. Follow…
viewsError 404 or Error 0 app
I’m trying to create an app using jquery, css, html and compiling via phonegap When running via browser( appear the data, however, when compiling and running via…
viewsAjax + PHP saving empty fields in the database
When I use only html and php (action) the data is successfully inserted in the database, but when I use ajax the data is saved with empty fields (including NOT NULL fields in the database). Could…
viewsHow to update a table through AJAX?
Hello. I would like to, when clicking on "register" in the div "register-customers" be updated the client table in the div "Md-clients", but I do not know how to make the table update without…
viewsTaking the data from the value field dynamically in Jquery
I’m having a hard time implementing a pop-up button in jquery... I have a user list that are logged in to admin screen the admin can move the user The problem is that the button only shows the first…
viewsAlert user about JSON response with empty return []
I am already more than 15 hours straight tried a simple solution but for me it is very difficult, please help me! I have a code that performs a query and when the input is incorrect the return is []…
viewsSubmit form without button. Only when input is completed
So guys, I’d like to know how to send a form without submit button or without clicking something. I saw on a site a input where after filling with a value, it from Submit in the form. I tried to do…
viewsRequest ajax does not declare Session
I have a login system with Ajax+PHP with languages running on different servers. On the same server works perfectly, but in this mode, the request occurs but the Session is not declared (I need it…
viewsConvert json object to php array?
I’m trying to convert an object json in array, I have tried several ways using the json_decode() function Save() { let post_id = document.getElementById('post_id'); let pergunta =…
viewsAspnetcore with Ajax method POST
I created an aspnetcore example project with ajax-POST, but Something is going Wrong. Where am I going Wrong? What is Missing? Index.cshtml (JS) $(document).ready(function () {…
viewsDatatable stops working after updating the page via AJAX
I have a page with a table that is updated via AJAX. That way, I have a combo that when I select the option, the table is updated without refreshing. In this table, I need the option to sort and…
viewsI’m having difficulties in ajax to return
To be well explained.. I’m starting now in the world of js and ajax.. I am making a code that create options of available times when click the button.. everything works normal in strings…
viewsPrevent double submission of forms in Submit
How can I prevent the user from doing multiple submissions of a form? My code is like this: // VALIDAÇÃO DO CADASTRO $(document).ready(function(e){ $(function () { // VALIDAÇÃO…
viewsI can’t get my script to add more fields to my html form
Hello, I need a help, I have the following HTML code where there is an input field for the user to enter the meter and a select where he selects the type of service, however he may need more fields…
viewsPHP - Page updates non-stop
Guys, I want to understand why this is happening, I used this code; <table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="dataTables-example"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th>…
viewsFill inputs after insertion via Jquery
I have a problem I don’t know how to fix. I have an Ajax function q makes a query based on the chosen item of a select. After the query and received the search data on the front end, I fill in the…
viewsI wanted to know why I can get the parameters of the verbs POST, PUT and DELETE in PHP only with Jquery, how do I do this pure JS?
I wanted to know how I send parameters of the methods: POST, PUT, DELETE as Jquery does For you to understand better, I just want to send some data and take PHP. If you look below you can see that…
viewsI can’t send that form via Ajax!
Hello I have this form code in case the person wants to help my project: <form id="my-form" action="envia.php" method="POST"> <label for="fname"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>…
viewsSend post information with Ajax and return separate values
Here I have a code to open modal sending the collaborator to search in the file cadas.php and return in variables. Example: date.data6, date.Collaborator6, date.Observation6... Doubt: I wanted to…