Sort of Dates ggplot2


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Hello, that’s my first question in this world of R and I haven’t completely mastered it yet. I am learning this wonderful language and now I have serious problems plotting a graph using the package ggplot2, data are dates and they do not follow the natural order of dates.


Follows code

geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v1, group = 1), fill = "black")+                                             
geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v2, group = 1), fill = "red")+
geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v3, group = 1), fill = "blue")+                       
labs(x = "Período de 05/02 á 18/02", y = "Chamadas criadas", title = "teste 

Follows data:


So, I tried several ways to fix using the package lubridate, but wanted to put in the format available in the table DD-M not to occupy space on the x-axis and the lubridate only works with the patterns using year (dd-mm-yyyy). It is also noticed that there is a lot of data on the x-axis and it would be good to show only a few samples on this axis, but using the total data for the variable Dia in the construction of the graph.

I’m grateful for any help that comes.

Obs. the data v4 and v5 are not used.

1 answer


My suggestion is that dates in the R are always represented in the format yyyy-mm-dd. This makes it much easier to work with the software when working with this type of data. He needs to understand the exact days you are dealing with so that the results displayed are correct.

That said, I’ll create a column with date data in your dataset:


tab.OpTT$Dia <- seq(ymd("2018-01-19"), ymd("2018-02-09"), by="days")

With R requires me to put a year on the date, I chose to use 2018. This can be changed later according to your needs.

Now just add the date formatting to the chart you had already made:

  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v1, group = 1), fill = "black")+                 
  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v2, group = 1), fill = "red")+
  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v3, group = 1), fill = "blue")+
  labs(x = "Período de 05/02 á 18/02", y = "Chamadas criadas", title = "teste 1") +
  scale_x_date(breaks=seq(min(tab.OpTT$Dia), max(tab.OpTT$Dia), by="1 day"), 
    date_labels="%d/%m", minor_breaks=seq(min(tab.OpTT$Dia),
    max(tab.OpTT$Dia), by="1 day")) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Note that I used a number to refer to the month. It is possible to use another formatting for the date if I change an argument within scale_x_date:

  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v1, group = 1), fill = "black")+                 
  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v2, group = 1), fill = "red")+
  geom_area(aes(x = Dia, y = v3, group = 1), fill = "blue")+
  labs(x = "Período de 05/02 á 18/02", y = "Chamadas criadas", title = "teste 1") +
  scale_x_date(breaks=seq(min(tab.OpTT$Dia), max(tab.OpTT$Dia), by="1 day"), 
    date_labels="%d/%b", minor_breaks=seq(min(tab.OpTT$Dia),
    max(tab.OpTT$Dia), by="1 day")) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Anyway, the options are several. If the solutions I posted here are not ideal, I recommend that you play with scale_x_date until you find something you like.

  • Friend, thank you very much and I will analyze very well your resolution. Closed topic =)

  • 2

    As a complement, the command tab.OpTT$Dia <- seq(ymd("2018-01-19"), ymd("2018-02-09"), by="days") works well for the example because they are days in a row. If this is not applied, you can turn them into Date with tab.OpTT$Dia <- as.Date(tab.OpTT$Dia, format = "%d-%b") (that after turning them into character tab.OpTT$Dia <- as.character(tab.OpTT$Dia))

  • @Rafaelcunha O as.Date precise of the year, as Marcus Nunes says. It could be done as.Date(paste0(tab.OpTT$Dia, "-2018"), format = "%d-%b-%Y")

  • 1

    @Noisy when turning the command as.Date(tab.OpTT$Dia, format = "%d-%b"), it already automatically includes the year 2018 here for me.

  • @Rafaelcunha You’re right, this is the first time I’ve seen this. It also works with as.Date("19-01", format = "%d-%m"). My confusion must come from the page ?as.Date only have examples with the year, and I got the impression that it was mandatory. Moreover, often questions arise without the day and that yes, is mandatory.

  • Hello again @Rafaelcunha, I’m having trouble transforming the X axis in month/year, using its code as a base, so I made changes to this adaptation. The limits are still the table edges breaks=seq(min(dados$tempo), max(dados$tempo), by="1 month" , the Labels have changed date_labels="%b/%y" month/year style. My question is the use of by =" ", they are the scale parameters?

  • @The basic code was Marcus’s, I just indicated a new way to transform his variable Dia for the format Date. Besides, I don’t think I quite understand your new question.

  • I just wanted to change, rather than be in a progression of days,.

  • I managed to solve: dados$tempo <- seq(ymd("2017-02-01"), ymd("2018-02-01"), by="months") in ggplot scale_x_date(breaks=seq(min(dado$dia), max(dado$dia), by="1 months"), date_labels="%b/%Y", minor_breaks=seq(min(dado$dia), max(dado$dia), by="1 months")) . With this Plot will come out on the scale of months.

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