How to send email with PHP?


Viewed 9,737 times


I have a site under construction that people have the possibility to insert an email, I would like as soon as they insert their email and click on the "sign up" button, be sent an automatic reply email to them, how could do this?

  • 3

    the simple use of the mail() function does not serve?

  • If you can show me how you do with some example, I’d appreciate it.

  • I use the class phpmail it is very good by the way, see a tutorial on this link

2 answers


Give a read on the function mail of PHP. If you are using a default hosting it must be preset.

With the function mail working, just create an HTML form to perform this action.

A basic example of use


<form method="post" name="meu-form" action="send-mail.php">     
Nome: <input type="text" name="nome">     
Email:    <input type="text" name="email">     
Mensagem:  <textarea name="mensagem"></textarea>     
<input type="submit" value="Enviar">


  $nome = $_POST['nome'];
  $email= $_POST['email'];
  $mensagem= $_POST['mensagem'];
  $to = "";
  $assunto = "Mensagem de ".$
  • I wanted an example, just to understand better why I read about this function and did not understand very well.

  • Is that right? index.html <form action="save.php" id="form" method="post" name="form"> <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email" id="email"/> <button id="inscription" type="Submit" value="inscription">Subscribe </button> </form> save.php <? php $email = $_POST['email']; $headers = 'From:' . " r n" 'To: ' . $_REQUEST['email'] . " r n" $subject = 'subject'; $message = 'example message. '; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>

  • I met this site today, sorry for the formatting there because I don’t know how to move right yet. But if you can see if I’m correct or not, thank you.

  • I believe the header using "From" and "To" does not work. But it is not necessary if it has already been configured. Otherwise, it’s all right apparently.

  • This "From" and "To", how to leave it preconfigured? It’s the same way as the subject and the message?

  • On the web server you use.

  • @John the header should not be translated. This loads information used by the mail server. Getting: $header = "From: addresseedco-visiter@domain.comn";

  • @gtonioli, when I use the mail here, the email goes to the junk mail, you know why?

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Another way to send the data is the following:

   //Variáveis que recebem os dados digitados no formulário pelo id atribuído nos input
   $nome = $POST[nome]; 
   $email = $POST[email];
   $assunto = $POST[assunto];
   $mensagem = $POST[mensagem];

mail (
    "", //Endereço que vai receber a mensagem
    "Nome: $nome
     Email: $email
     Assunto: $assunto
     Mensagem: $mensagem", "FROM:$nome<$email>");

I’m not a programmer, but this way is not so safe I think because in others has the verification of the data to prevent the user to send malicious data through the form. But it works normal.

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