How does the display property work?


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I’ve been researching the functionality better (values) display and its features. I noticed that it has many possibilities. Some very obvious and others somewhat complex for the beginner developer.

I believe these features below are the most confusing for beginner developer:

  • flex
  • inline-flex
  • list-item
  • run-in (this is one I’ve never seen used)
  • table-cell

How they are used?

Some of these features are essential for responsive design?

Some good example of use?

  • 2

    Interesting question, young man .+ 1

  • @Wallacemaxters thank you so much

2 answers


Hello! I can suddenly clear up some of those doubts. I would say that none of these are "essential" to responsive design, but the flex is a widely used one for such nowadays, as it was made to facilitate fluid design.

• O flex: Facilitates responsiveness and fluidity with new attributes that simplify things that are usually far more complex to achieve with a block. Example: It’s very simple to vertically align flex elements.

• O inline-flex: I see it being used much less, but I believe it should give flex functions for elements inline which are usually like text. I’m about to see it used more.

• O list-item: This is the default for list elements ul, li. The object will be formatted as a list.

• O run-in: This is simply to align a header to the text. As in this example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

• O table-cell: It is the default of table cells.


The estate display is the most important property of CSS to control the layout, the default value can vary from element to element, generally the default value is display:block or display:inline.
Below I will list only the features classified as more confusing features according to the question, p/ access a list with all the functionalities and their use examples follows the link: w3schools css display

  • flex

The flex property specifies the length of the item, relative to the rest of the flexible items within the same container, in a way it adapts the item in question relative to the other flexible items.

  • inline-flex

The difference between inline-flex and flex is that inline-flex does not cause flex items to be displayed in a single row, it shows the flexible container online as a whole.

  • list-item

An element rendered with the property list-item shall behave in the same way as block, additionally this property will generate a bookmark(Marker box), its style can be changed through the property list-style

  • run-in

The estate run-in works as follows: If the run-in box contains a box block, functions as a block; If a box block follow the box run-in, the run-in box becomes the first box inline of the box block. This property is used for example, to join a header to a text below it without harming the semantics in question and to prevent future errors that could appear forcing the position with other layout techniques. P/ more information about the property run-in:CSS Tricks run-in

  • table-cell

Makes the element behave like a <td>

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