How to search for values in a PHP file with jQuery - AJAX?


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Guys I want to search a string in a PHP file called search.php I want to return a string to my index.php but I want to do this when calling the function try_it(), is there any way to do this with jQuery? I don’t want index.php to update the page, only the value of the variable that will be returned by the search.php

index php.

        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <button class="btn btn-default" id="executar" onclick="buscar()" type="button">Buscar</button>

            var stringDoPHPvemPraCa;

            function buscar(){
                //quero que a string do php seja setada em stringDoPHPvemPraCa no momento em que eu chamar essa funcao

php search.

include 'config.php';
include 'database.php';
include 'connection.php';

$pesquisa = DBSearch("usuarios","WHERE id = 1","questoes_resolvidas"); // isso me retorna um array

// com as questões resolvidas onde "usuarios" é a tabela "WHERE id = 1" 
// é o parametro e "questoes_resolvidas" é o campo a ser retornado (a string em si)
$pesquisa[0]['questoes_resolvidas'] //isso que eu quero no index.php
  • Post the codes so we can help

  • OK I’ll do it, just a moment

  • Take a look in this tutorial. The list you simply upload in the foreach of your bank, doing a like.

1 answer


$.get('url', {parametro: valor}, function(data){

I believe the above example solves.

After that it is only to manipulate in the way you want, for example:

Taking into account that your url that returns the search is http://localhost/search.php, your code would look something like this (Obs: vc had not closed the head tag on your HTML):

        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <button class="btn btn-default" id="executar" onclick="buscar()" type="button">Buscar</button>

            var stringDoPHPvemPraCa = '';
            function buscar(){
                $.get('http://localhost/buscar.php', function(data){
                    stringDoPHPvemPraCa = data;

Already your search.php would be:


header('Content-Type: application/json');
include 'config.php';
include 'database.php';
include 'connection.php';

$pesquisa = DBSearch("usuarios","WHERE id = 1","questoes_resolvidas"); // isso me retorna um array

// com as questões resolvidas onde "usuarios" é a tabela "WHERE id = 1" 
// é o parametro e "questoes_resolvidas" é o campo a ser retornado (a string em si)
$resultado = $pesquisa[0]['questoes_resolvidas'] //isso que eu quero no index.php

echo json_encode($resultado);

  • how I would apply that to the case where I posted my code?

  • first, you should echo at the end of your php: echo $pesquisa[0]['questoes_resolvidas'] $.get to take the value and move to the variable: $.get('caminho/do/arquivo.php', function(data){ &#xA; stringDoPHPvemPraCa = data;&#xA;}); Once you execute the method, it will put the value in the variable. (bad comment does not skip line).

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